Our treasure, Sophia Noelle Toews, passed from our arms to the other side of eternity into the arms of her heavenly Father on March 10th, 2022 at just one month old.
With a life limiting diagnosis, she wasn’t promised any time here on earth, and everyday with her was a precious gift. The time we had with her was never going to be enough, but each day was spent with her being cuddled and cherished.
She continues to be carried in the hearts of her parents, Wes and Marie Toews, along with the rest of her family, continually, just like her time here on earth.
Sophia brought out the kindness in many in her short life during a time when many are struggling to see the good in the world. Her life brought people together and taught us not to give up on anyone, they can surprise you. She also reminded us not to take the time with our loved ones for granted. You never know how long you have with them, and every moment can be a beautiful memory you will treasure forever.
Sophia had lots of personality and spunk that surprised many. She kicked at the ultrasound and hid her face behind her hands when it was going in for a close up. So, it was nothing new when she stretched with surprising strength upon being let out of a swaddle and kicked happily at bath time. She fought hard to eat and grow 2 inches and gain a half a pound, along with some cute chubby cheeks. She loved her milk and baths and cuddling. In general, she was a fan of staying warm and cozy at all times. She let everyone know when these preferences were not done to her liking with some warning noises that increased in volume if one was a little slow. In her last moments, she found comfort on her father’s chest listening to his heartbeat for her, and her mother’s words of love pouring over her like they had since she was in the womb. She was, and is, held always in faith, hope and love. Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13).
A remembrance of Sophia will be held in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, on April 24th, 2022 at 2:00 pm. This is an open and informal celebration of her life. Please email metoyou.marie@gmail.com as soon as possible if planning to attend so that appropriate seating can be arranged. There will be an optional walk to the gravesite at the Royal Oak Burial Park next door, so come prepared for the weather. It is acceptable to come cozy, just like Sophia would approve of.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to our friends, family, midwife and team, the many doctors and nurses at Victoria General Hospital, and Canuck Place Children’s Hospice for the exceptional care and consideration for the many challenges we faced. They continue to be an invaluable gift, a strong support, and a shining example of the kindness of others in the midst of difficult journeys.
We are requesting that donations be made to Canuck Place Children’s Hospice in Sophia’s honour in lieu of flowers. Make a Donation to Canuck Place
Condolences may be offered to the family below.
McCall Gardens
Philip and Laurie Gordon
Kristen Pothier Marie and Wes,
I am so sorry the loss of such a precious gift, the gift of a child. I cannot imagine the pain you must be going through. I know nothing I or anyone can say that takes away any of the grief. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you. Hold comfort in the fact you will see your precious Sophia again. ❤
Dodie Eastaugh Sadly I am not able to be with you on the 24th.
I am certain your celebration will be a lovely one for a very special little girl who will be sadly missed.
Keep strong in your love and faith.
Much love to you both. Dodie
Traci Turner I only had a couple short cuddles with Sophia but she will forever be held in my heart.
Shari & David Saysomsack Sophia was such a little treasure, she will forever be remembered. Even though she was only on earth for a short time, she impacted so many. So grateful for each day that she had and the gift that she is to her loving parents.
Wes and Marie, thank you for sharing your story and hearts with us. Our hearts hurt for you both. Much love to you.
Dearest Marie and Wes,
Our hearts are crushed and cheeks wet with tears. We feel for you. We know too well the pain of loss, but also the strength of hope; an anchor for the soul. Your expressions above reflect your deep, natural affection; no doubt, how your parents also felt as they cradled each of you.
Grieving travels in waves. It often arrives without warning. All your love with no place to go. And everyone’s feelings about loss are unique. We cannot pretend to exactly understand. However, we can tell you that we hurt too.
It is of comfort to know that another parent who lost his precious son can grasp what you are going through. His “understanding is beyond measure.” (Ps 147:5) May that knowledge also bring you relief until “death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.”—Rev 21:3, 4
With much love and affection,
Uncle Philip and Laurie