"The Plan" Estate Planning Wookbook
Please feel free to download and save The Plan to your computer. Once you have saved it, please complete the fields and save your changes. Once you have completed the book, you can choose to share it with your survivors.
Click image above to download and save to your computer.
This will be a longer project so you may want to tackle it in a few stages.
Once you have saved the copy on your own computer (do not save it on a public computer), please complete the fields and save your changes. Once you have completed the book, you can choose to print it and share it with your survivors.
If you are creating The Plan workbooks for two spouses, it is recommended that you create the information for one person completely and save the file, then choose “SAVE AS” for the file and use the second spouse’s name and then delete and replace the applicable information. In the end you should have two individual copies.
Since it has a lot of your personal information, it is recommended that you do not share it with too many people and be careful emailing the digital version.
This is a free resource provided by McCall Gardens Funeral and Cremation Service, Executor Protection and Canadian Preplanning Council.