As a courtesy to all families who use our funeral services, we provide the opportunity to publish a complimentary online obituary—which can be “shared” via social media with family and friends around the world.

Elsa DeMarchi
Date Posted: November 22, 2003
DE MARCHI, Elsa passed away tragically on November 20, 2003 at Victoria General Hospital surrounded by her loving family and... Continue reading
Shaw Donald Allen
Date Posted: November 21, 2003
SHAW- Donald Allen was born October 15, 1923 in Vancouver, B.C. to Charles and Margaret Shaw.... Continue reading
Date Posted: November 20, 2003
Ball, Geoffrey John - born in England on June 24, 1931, Geoffrey passed away peacefully at home from cancer at the age of 72... Continue reading

Irene McMahon
Date Posted: November 18, 2003
McMAHON, Irene Henrietta (nee: Brown) A native Victorian born on January 26, 1924, passed away peacefully at the Aberdeen... Continue reading

Earl Victor Pollock
Date Posted: November 14, 2003
Pollock Earl Victor: Passed away November 7, 2003 at age eighty-nine. Predeceased by wife Phyllis, he is survived by David... Continue reading