Died suddenly at her residence in Victoria, BC, on Thursday, January 21st, 2010. She was born in Lachine, Quebec, on April 30, 1921. Predeceased by her husband, William, in 2003; Pauline is survived by her sister Simone, her children, Diane (John) Ward, Billy (Linda), and Bobby (Danielle); her grandchildren, Billy, Jennifer, Catherine and Guillaume, her friend Ron and great-grandchildren. She will be missed by her many friends and staff at The Kensington who have shown such kindness to her through the years and by many other relatives and friends both here and out of province. Pauline and Bill fell in love and were married in the province of Québec. It was a union of Catholic and Protestant, French and English culture, a dynamic which played itself out throughout their marriage and was passed on to their children. The bilingualism made life very “interesting” at home. Pauline spoke both languages freely and her heavy french accent was just part of her charm. Pauline was a highly spirited woman, who shied not from showing her true emotions. She had many interests. A very organized, practical and disciplined housekeeper, she ran a clean shop. She also worked as a bookkeeper for many years with a construction company. Pauline played tennis and was dubbed “Jo bras d’fer” by her peers. For years she handcrafted and sold fine clay figurines. Later in life, her passion was painting but she had to stop with the onset of macular degeneration. Pauline’s greatest pleasure was listening to music. When she loved a particular piece, she would listen to it, over and over, without ever tiring of it. Pauline adored Chopin and Celine Dion. Something she was most proud of was her ability to imitate the call of the Black Capped Chickadee and have one land on her shoulder. She really nailed it. Her spirit will continue to soar through the call of her little feathered friends.

A celebration of Pauline’s life will be held later, in the Spring, when Mom will return to Mt. St. Hilaire, Quebec, to be reunited with her husband, where together, they will rest in peace.

  • Susan Weisenberger (nee Wentworth)

    Dear Bob, Diane and Billy,

    My sincerest sympathies on the passing of Pauline. Your Mom and Dad introduced my parents to each other in 1949 and voila, six months later Ellis and Lucile Wentworth were married! I know that Pauline and Bill and my parents kept in touch over the years and Pauline was especially kind in her correspondence to my Dad after the sudden passing of my Mom in 1996. Dad always showed me Pauline’s letters and he was so appreciative of her support .

    I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to visit Pauline in Victoria and get to know her even better. She loved to speak of her fond memories of her friendship with my Mom and Dad. I also grew to appreciate her love of music and art. She was indeed a very talented artist. I enjoyed our chats on the telephone over the three years as well as having dinner with her at the Kensington.

    Pauline will be missed but never forgotten.


    Susan Weisenberger

  • Lorna Shaw

    Bobbie,Billie and Diane,
    I discovered why I wasn’t getting through to you. I was trying to send it E-mail! !For Pauline this was the best way. She was terrified of going completely blind and everything she used to do was so difficult for her. She talked about her family and her home in Quebec. My mother died suddenly at 70 years old. It was a terrible shock for my father,who lived another 25 years but I realized that for her it was the best way. Thank you for thinking of me with the picture. She was a wonderful artist. My condolences to you all.

    Lorna Shaw

  • Gilles Plante

    Toutes nos sympathies, chers cousins et cousine. Je garde un très bon souvenir de cette tante enjouée, toujours en train de s’exclamer à propos de tout. Nous serons au rendez-vous à St-Hilaire au printemps.

    Sincères condoléances de toute la famille:
    Gilles, Diane, Denis, Antoine, Etienne Madeleine et les conjointes et les petits enfants

  • Louise de Repentigny

    Quelle peine j’ai eu en apprenant le décès de cette chère Pauline. Notre voisine de la rue Rose ainsi que son cher conjoint Bill ont fait partie de nos vies de nombreuses années.

    Quel plaisir c’était d’arrêter faire un brin de jasette avec Bill et Pauline quand nous prenions nos marches de santé. Toujours intéressantes étaient les conversations et les sujets toujours nombreux; famille, jardinage, loisirs etc… C’est également toujours avec fierté qu’elle me montrait ses réalisations. Quelle artiste!

    Je garderai toujours un très beau souvenir de ces gens charmants et surtout leur beau sourire!
    Mon conjoint André se joint à moi pour offrir à toute la famille nos plus sincères condoléances et espérons être des vôtres pour son retour dans notre coin de pays.

  • josephine moynaugh

    I am so very sorry to hear that your mother has died. She was such a charming lady and so talented.

    With sincere simpathy, Josie Moynaugh nee Whelan

  • Marilyn McGeary

    Diane & brothers
    So sorry to hear about your Mom but we have to tell our selfs that she is in a better place with your Dad of course.
    I remember when your Mom worked at the Boutique on the Main road in Beloeil, I used to stop in & say hello to her and of course she talked about DiDi and what she was up to.
    She had a good life ever though she worried alot about nothing but what will we be like at her age……
    Would like too see you if you come to St Hilaire in the spring, let me know when you have made arrangements

  • Jacques Plante

    Toutes nos sympathies. On pense à vous souvent. J’aurais bien voulu que les enfants rencontrent “LA tante Pauline”, celle qui me faisait toujours bien rire il y a longtemps. J’en garderai toujours un beau souvenir.
    Billy, Diane, Bobby, et vos familles, bon courage.

    Antonin, Catherine, Francine, Jacques

  • Jacqueline Plante

    Nous voulons vous offrir nos sympathies et, malgré la distance qui nous sépare, vous dire que nous pensons souvent à vous
    dans ce moment de grande tristesse.
    Simone,Jacqueline, Jacques, Joanne et Benoit.

  • Jean Champagne

    Quelle tristesse que d’apprendre le départ de cette bonne personne, une dame au grand coeur qui fut une “petite soeur” et une confidente à sa grande soeur Jeannette et une grande tante pour tous les neveux et nièces.

    Nos pensées vont à Billy, Diane et Bobby ainsi qu’à vos conjoints et enfants. Nous avions tous espoir de revoir Pauline un de ces jours, sur place à Victoria ou peut-être même ici au Québec. Nous serons au rendez-vous à Beloeil au printemps pour la saluer une dernière fois car elle mes enfants voyaient en elle une Jeannette qu’ils n’ont pas eu le plaisir de connaître. May she rest in peace with her eternal Bill.

    Love Johanne, Jean, Rafaëlle et Francis Champagne

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