Faithfulness, integrity, diligence, humility, generosity: words that describe one who has received the “crown of Life” after 92 years as a dedicated husband and father. He leaves a legacy of enduring faith in Christ and a loving family with his wife Luella: Dorothy/Bill (Darcie/Craig: Avery, Emily; Danell/Avery); Rick; Peter/Sheila (Rebecca/Tyler; Daniel; Leah); Allan/Angela (Sarahanne; Emma; Katarina/Danny: Logan, Serena; James); Yvonne/Paul (Maria/Winston; Laura); Tom/Wendy (Alysia/Aaron: Jacob, Isla, Liv; Rachel/Jarrod: Ivy, Emmy; Derek/Heidi; Charlotte; Clinton). Born in the Netherlands to a family of 10 children, Allan immigrated to Winnipeg in 1950 following his childhood sweetheart, whom he married in 1953. To provide for his family he had multiple jobs: market-gardener, milkman, taxi driver, and insurance salesman. In 1972 they moved to Victoria, where he founded Allan Tolsma Insurance Agencies. Several of his children and grandchildren work in insurance to this day. His entrepreneurial success enabled him to enjoy time boating, fishing, and gardening. After 26 years as a generous and hard-working businessman, he retired, returning to his love of gardening and travelling with friends and family. He loved meeting (bright and early) with coffee buddies, singing hymns and old Frisian songs, and getting ice-cream with anyone who would go. “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine” (Is 43) – Allan/Dad/Pake is now home. Heartfelt thanks to VGH and Gorge Road Hospital staff for your kindness.
Live-stream service March 28, 2021 at 1:00 pm, newlifevictoria.com/video. Donations may be made to Alzheimer Society. Offer condolences below.
McCall Gardens
Ken Osman
Eunice Snell Your dad always had such a warm smile and an ability to be very present when we would pass the time of day at a church event. It was so obvious that he was enjoyed by the family. I am so sorry for your loss. Eunice Snell
Bev & Peter Pastoor Heartfelt condolences to all our Tolsma Family.
Uncle Allan will be truly missed by all who knew him. We have so many fond memories of his, and Auntie Louella’s, visits to Winnipeg over the years. Will miss his ever present smile, contagious laugh, sense of humour, and fun-loving attitude. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love Bev and Peter
Winnie Johnson Dear Aunt Lowell’s and family,
We were sorry to hear about the passing of Uncle Allan. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
The Lord bless you all and keep you. Love Larry & Winnie Johnson (Tolsma)
Sharon White I was so sorry to hear of Mr. T’s passing. I have many fond memories of him from my days working at the insurance agency and feel so fortunate to have been part of his “family” business. I offer my heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Tolsma, Dorothy, Pete, Allan Jr, Tom and all the Tolsma family. He was much loved and will be missed.
Sandy McClary I first met the Tolsma family in 1974 when our family moved to Victoria and my dad (Doug White) opened his car dealership. Through many paths, we continued to keep up with your dear loving family through your insurance company and flower businesses. A few years ago, while cycling by the flower shop on West Saanich, I just couldn’t resist going down to Allan’s house where sweet Luella, never meeting me, invited me in for tea and wouldn’t let me go until Allan and I reminisced about our families’ lives in the car business. He will be missed. Sandy (White) McClary.
Vera wiebe Wendy – sorry for your loss. Love and prayers. Vera
Joop en Ina Tolsma uit Amsterdam. Lieve Lolkje, kinderen, kleinkinderen,en ook de achterkleinkinderen. Joop en Ina, Rita en Kees, Folkert en Betty en Eric en Christine condoleren jullie met het overlijden van Allan. Wij wensen jullie sterkte en liefde van familie en vrienden. Joop en ik kozen als bede dit lied: Ga met God en Hij zal met je zijn,jou nabij op al je wegen met zijn raad en troost en zegen.Ga met God en Hij zal met je zijn. Ga met God en Hij zal met je zijn: in zijn liefde je bewaren,in de dood je leven sparen.Ga met God en Hij zal met je zijn. Ga met God en Hij zal met je zijn,tot wij weer elkaar ontmoeten, in zijn naam elkaar begroeten. Ga met God en Hij zal met je zijn. Een liefdevolle groet van Joop en Ina Tolsma-van Ginkel.
Howie Mace Sorry to all the Tolsma’s for their loss. Allan was a very respected man in the insurance business. His level of care and service was always exemplary. I have early memories of Allan being one of Victoria’s first mobile insurance agent, servicing clients for my father at car dealerships. I am in the auto business now and have the pleasure of dealing with Allan’s sons and other family members. We will always support the Tolsma’s, such a wonderful family.
Austin Ball My wife and I moved to Victoria in 1977, I worked for Empress Pontiac Buick. When we needed insurance I was promptly told to call AllanTolsma Agencies. Allan himself came to the office and looked after all our insurance needs. Allan was very thorough, we felt confident with all our purchases from him. To this day we still purchase our insurance from the Tolsma family. Peter, Dorothy, Tom, Allan, you learned from the best. Allan Tolsma Sr. was a great man, outstanding business man, the Tolsma family can be very proud.
Our condolences to the whole family.Austin and Bev Ball
Sue & Dennis Dixon Dorothy, our condolences to you, Bill and all your family. Love Sue and Dennis
Jacinda D (Cindy) Dueck I am saddened by the loss of a great man. My first boss! ‘Uncle Allan’ was amazing, funny, hardworking and loving. I will always have fond memories of him from my childhood (going boating) and from working at the Insurance Agency. I was lucky to talk to him one last time at church. My condolences to you and your family from all of us.
Chris en Elly van Iersel-Bulk Lieve familie Tolsma,
Bij het bericht dat jullie geliefde man, vader en opa is gestorven in de HEER komen bij ons herinneringen boven aan de keren dat we hem en zijn vrouw ontmoetten als we bij Yvonne en Paul op bezoek waren.
Zijn groentetuin waar hij lekker kon ‘rommelen’.
Zijn knots van een camper ( in onze ogen) waarmee zij mooie reizen maakten. En die hij gul uitleende aan ons om een trip over het eiland te maken.
Het zomerhuisje aan het meer waar we met de hele familie een weekend waren. De lol en humor, het schaterlachen en zwemmen. Maar ook de openheid naar elkaar en de serieuze en soms felle discussies.
Zij samen, Pake en Beppe zijn de spil geweest van een grote familie waarin Gods liefde zo belangrijk was.
In onze gedachten en gebeden bij jullie!
Liefdevolle Groet,
Chris en Elly
Cliff Power He was a great man. Always kind and encouraging. He really left a legacy. A true example of a man. 92 WOW that’s awesome! Now he’s rejoicing in heaven with his new body 🙂
Sharon White Dear Tolsma Family, Our Dad (my twin Sandy), Doug White, was a huge fan of Allan’s and his family. Dad owned a car business and continued buying insurance from his favourite Tolsma Insurance. Dad passed away in 2012 but I keep his last license plate (WHT 535) – not a vanity plate but one that his insurance agent let him have so he could remember it. Sandy got a similar one (we’re all forgetful). I keep his plate under my Xmas tree every year. When Sandy told me today that Allan had passed away, we thought we needed to send you a picture (my tree is actually still up, waiting for the time when we can celebrate Xmas with our Mom who is still locked down in a seniors residence. Unfortunately, I can’t post the photo to this tribute but please know that our two Dads are watching us. I hope our Dad remembers to thank yours for giving us the license plate of love. Love, Sharon (White) and Sandy (McClary). Please accept and extend our love to all of Allan’s family and loved ones.
Monica (van Rhyn) Riley Our prayers and love for the whole Tolsma family….I loved my time at the office with “Mr.T”. He was a wonderful man.
Flory Boer (Kingma) Our condolences Dorothy to you and your Family! He lived a full life and that is a wonderful thing but that last good bye is so final and difficult. Our Families grew together as immigrants and have quite the histories of their pioneer days moving their Families to a new country! Always have so much respect for our parents and what they endured. Great memories. You are all in my prayers!
Bob Mace Victoria, Courtenay I first met Allan when he became one of Victoria’s first ICBC agents, back in the early 70’s. Allan would politely ask if he could sit in the showroom ( his brown briefcase in hand ) as he had not many clients, being a new agent. Always a humble, kind and polite gentleman who looked after all his clients as family.
We would never deal with anyone else. Very sad day for all but what beautiful memories of one of Victoria’s finest and respected businessman and friend.Your family has always lived up to the kind, personal service that the Allan Tolsma was famous for.
We were so fortunate to have Allan as part of our industry.
Our deepest sympathy and condolences to all the Tolsma family.
Kindest Regards.
Case Schenk We too have pleasant memories of Allan.
Sharing our daily coffee time at seven in the morning while on the way to work. Good talks about work but also about his faith in the lord. We remember Allan as a supporter of the Bible’s for Missions thrift store.
Condolences to Luella and the family.
The Schenks
Shirley and Peter Feenstra Our condolences to the Tolsma family. A life well lived and so loved by his family.
From Peter and Shirley Feenstra
Vivian Luymes Condolences to the entire Tolsma family. I smile when I think of Mr. Tolsma. Yvonne seemed to know just how to get whatever she wanted from her sweet dad. As a child I always thought Mr Tolsma was so rich as he had several cars , a trailer and a motor boat with water skis!! he lent out so freely. Even as a child I saw him as a very generous happy man. May you draw comfort and peace in Jesus.
Michele and Martin Schellenberg Our condolences to the entire Tolsma Family. He will be missed!
Sharon Ryper I am so sorry to hear the sad, yet happy news of Mt Tolsma’s passing…sad because he is gone from our presence, happy because he has been welcomed home! He will be remembered with fondness. I remember Yvonne and I stopping in at the insurance office on our way home from school and pleading for a quarter to get a donut from the bakery close by…he never failed to oblige!!!
He was a larger than life person. I know he will be missed by all.
Garry and Melanie Lech Our sincere condolences to the whole family at the loss of wonderful man. Quite the legacy! God bless you as you reflect on the memories and a life well lived.
Bert Polet I am his brother in law. I echo all the things that have been said about him. He, indeed lived his life with humility, grace and kindness towards others. He was always a role model for me, being the second youngest in the family. I wish to my sister my love and to the extended family. Luella may your faith sustain you during this difficult time. Love Bert and Bobbi
Linda and Jan Eisses May God’s comfort surround you all. Our heartfelt condolences.
Hilda and John Zylstra So sorry to hear Uncle Allan has died, but excited cause he has passed into glory. He loved the Lord. I’m so glad I got to visit for his 90th and 91st birthdays! Deep sympathy for you all. We will be praying for you all. Love John and Hilda
Rita and Denis Petit So sorry to hear about Uncle Allan’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all .
Love Rita and Denis Petit (Tolsma)
Ed and Evelyn Jongsma Sorry for our loss of Uncle Allan. He will be truly missed. May God give us strength to carry on and know that he is with Jesus! I can not be there at this time but hugs to all my family. Lots of love, From our family to yours.
Stuart and Jane Polet We were so saddened to hear of Alan’s passing. We enjoyed their many visits over the years and have many wonderful memories of those visits. Our condolences to Luella, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. With love and sympathy. Stuart and Jane Polet
I remember Mr.T as a hard-working soft-spoken man. He came to the dealership and provided service no one else could ever match.
He taught his kids and grandkids good work ethics. After Mr.T retired I enjoyed working with Al, Pete, Tom and the good looking Tolsma, Dorothy, and Craig and Darcy.
He will be missed by many.