With sadness we announce the passing of Dan Slobodan Miljevic on January 21st, 2023. He passed after a short illness which left all his loved ones in deep sorrow and sadness.
He will be greatly missed by everyone who had the chance to know him as a person.
He was born in Montenegro on September 10th, 1954, in the city of Niksic, and moved to Canada in 1969 to the city of Calgary where he lived with his family and raised his 2 children. He worked as a welder and later on as a restaurant owner.
He was the epicentre of his family as the eldest son and always the one the family turned to. He will forever be in our hearts and thoughts.
Dan leaves behind his mother, Mara; his wife, Milena; daughter; Maria (Ognjen); son, Marko; grandchildren, Emilia and Filip; his brothers, Zoran and Goran; as well as many other relatives and friends.
A Funeral Service will be held at 2:00 pm, on Thursday, January 26, 2023, in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, Victoria, BC.
Condolences may be offered to the family below.
McCall Gardens
George Ivkovic
Milan Dabic Sincerest and most profound condolences in your bereavement.
Vuka i Anka Vuksanović Vuka i Anka Vuksanović
Sa velikom žalošću primili smo tužnu vijest o preranom odlasku našeg Sloba. Zauvijek će njegov plemeniti lik ostati u našim sjećanjima.
Primite naše iskreno saučešće.
Rada i Zarko Baljak sa familijom Teti Mari, Mileni i ostaloj porodici,
Primite naše iskreno saučešće, šokirani smo na tužnu vest da je Slobodan preminuo, jako nam je žao.
Familija Baljak
Bojana i Sasa Ponekad nam zivot namesti nepredvidive stvari ali ono sto uvek ostaje je secanje na nase najmilije. Nase iskreno saucesce porodici Miljevic
Nebojsa Radojkovic Sa velikom tugom sam dobio vest I ovim putem zelim da izjavim saucesce ozaloscenoj suprugi I sinu.
Porodica Radojkovic is Victoria BC
Matthew forest Dan was the type of man to stop what he was doing every single day and bring lunch to his son at work. ( being his coworker Dan would bring me lunch aswell) that’s just how he was .
You can tell , being a father was something he was very proud of and his family always came first .
I’ll forever remember the small conversations we had and the kindness he carried himself with .
Rest in peace , your memory is eternal
Srdjan Babic Dan was a family man above all else. Although he has left us suddenly, a part of him remains in his children and in our hearts and memories. Rest easy.
Porodica Jovanović Primite iskreno saučešće od Milana i Ljiljane Jovanović sa porodicom.
Shane Rodgers Dan,
I remember when I first met you, standing in the Bay Centre Mall looking over at you and Milena, anxious, alone, and not sure what to do. When you noticed me, it was an immediate smile and sense of welcome that I felt. You and your family showed me such love and support that I will never forget. You were always so kind, thoughtful, and caring…even when you were upset you were always fair. You will be be missed dearly, and you are loved even more.
Until we meet again my friend…
Fardeen I got to know Dan and Milena from Opa before they introduced me to their son Marko who became one of my best friend over the years and I built a close relationship with them. My biggest regret was not being able to be there for them get to see Dan as I was myself in process to leave the country.
However I will always cherish great memories from this hard working man. Every time I come to Opa, he would never let me pay and we would indulge into boxing conversations and him telling me about his plans to move back home and going on holiday. He always made me feel special when he talks to me and I could have even here his exact voice as I am writing this and greeting me saying “ Hey buddy, how you been?”. Dan was an inspiration for many as an immigrant who came to this country and became successful by working very hard for him and his family. He always had this this smile on his face and I love listening to his stories about life back home and for me it was an absolute privilege to get to know someone like him over the time I’ve been to Canada. He will be missed a lot and all my condolences to his family.
To Milena and Marko I might be far away from you now but we are friends for life and all of you are amazing people! Stay strong and God will heal everything.
Rest In Paradise Dan Miljevic ❤️❤️❤️
Danilo Raicevic Prijatelju moj,
Tuzan i slomljenog srca ti pisem poslednji pozdrav.
Od 17. Decembra kad je pocela tvoja borba, molio sam se Bogu da jos dugo budemo zajedno. Nasmijani i srecni, kao od prvog dana od kad smo se upoznali. Ali kazu da Bog uzima najbolje. I uzeo je najboljeg medju nama. Siguran sam da je za tebe, covjeka sa najvecim srcem, imao neko bolje mjesto u Raju.
Kume, HVALA TI! Cast je imati takvog covjeka u zivotu kao prijatelja! Pravog i iskrenog! Hvala ti na svakom trenutku provedenim sa tobom. Svaku sekundu u koju sam osjecao toplinu i ljubav, cak i u tudjini, daleko od porodice.
Dok god moje srce kuca, cuvat cu te od zaborava!
Pocivaj u miru.
Tvoj Daco.
Srecko Zivkovic sa familiom Ode nam prerano brate
Uvjek u našim srcima
Neka tvoja duša nadje mir
Porodica Raičević Tog 21.1.2023.godine, stiže vijest da je prestalo da kuca veliko srce Slobovo. Sa nevjericom gledamo, ne vjerujemo, da je sudbina tako surova, da je mogla tako brzo da ga povede. Nadali smo se da će se čovjek blagih crta i velikog srca oporaviti, da će se vratiti svojoj kući, svojim najmilijima. Ali…sudbina je htjela drugačije.
Žao nam je. Žao nam je i što ne možemo u ovim teškim trenucima biti sa vama da podijelimo bol i da ga ispratimo na vječni put.
Primite iskreno saučešće, od porodice Raičević
Sonja Petričević Primite moje iskreno saučešće za vašim sinom, suprugom, ocem i bratom Slobodanom.
Mijo i Nada Šćepanović Dobra Voda BAR Porodici Miljević Iskreno saučešće za dragim Slovom.Imali smo sreću da se sa Slobom i njegovom majkom družimo jedno ljeto u Baru u njegovoj Crnoj Gori.Vijest o njegovoj smrti nas je mnogo iznenadila i rastužila.Nadali smo se novim susretima i druženjima.Danas njegova porodica i prijatelji tuguju ali nebesa se raduju jer takvu dušu svako hoće pored sebe.Ipak BOG odlučuje i pozvao ga je sebi.Počivaj u miru veliki dobri čoveče.
Mara Babić Dragi prijatelju, neka ti je vječni pokoj tvojojoj dobroj, plemenitoj duši! Pamtiću te zauvijek po tvom nesebičnom, velikom srcu. Davao si sve od sebe da svakome pomogneš pa i meni kad je bilo najpotrebnije i to se ne može zaboraviti. Moje najdublje saučešće njegovim najmilijim i svima koji su ga cijenili i voljeli. Neka vas bog hrabri i snaži da prebrodite ove teške trenutke! Budete ponosni na vašeg sina, supruga, oca, djeda,brata!
Biljana Bozickovic Primite nase iskreno saucesce !
Porodica Bozickovic
Marijana & Nino Draga Milena i porodico,
Primite nase iskreno saucesce. Cuvajte se i budite jaki u ovim teskim trenutcima, u nasim ste mislima i srcima.
Marijana i Nino
Dale I wish to pass on my deepest condolences to Dan’s family, and say he will be missed. While I only knew him as on of his regular customers, he was always generous and showed care for everyone!! I wish all the best to his wife as she does her best to carry on. Your friendly neighbourhood bus driver
Vera Pavićević Oni koje volimo nikad ne umiru, oni su zauvijek u našim mislima i srcima. Nek ti je vječna slava.
There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in Our hearts.
Tvoja sestra Vera sa porodicom
Nikola Cvijovic Dragi kumovi. Primite nase iskreno saucesce. Slobo cen nam ostati kao nasmejan i vedar u secanju. Porodica Cvijovic.
Aleksandra Draga Milena, Marija, Marko i Maro,
Primite moje naiskrenije saucesce. Uvjek cemo se sjecati Slobodana i njegovog vedrog duha. Slobodan je imao divan stav i razumijevanje prema mladima, i ja i moja djeca smo mu zahvalni na tome. Zelim vam mir i snagu u ovom teskom vremenu.
Regina Hafner geb. Miljevic I will always remember him fondly. In love, your sister and her family.
Milica Aleksic Primite naše iskreno saucesce, jako nam je zao. Milica i Goran Aleksic
My Deepest condolences to the Miljevic family.
I always remember Slobodan as strong but soft spoken with a big heart!
Primite moje iskrene saucesce
Nek ti je vjecna slava Slobo.