Born in Ste. Anne Manitoba on March 21, 1947, Don left this life as he lived it, with great dignity, on March 13, 2013 in Victoria BC. He is mourned by his wife Andrée Chénier and son Gabriel Chénier Demers; his sister Linda Demers Friesen and brother Gilbert Demers (Annette Bouchard); niece Vanessa Noël (Marc, Ben and Max) and nephew Evan Friesen. He also leaves good friends and family in British Columbia, Manitoba and across the country. He is predeceased by his parents, Omer Demers of Ste. Anne Manitoba and Rolande Demers (Barrette) of Fannystele Manitoba.

Don started his distinguished career in criminal justice as a Living Unit Officer at Drumheller Institution in 1973. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta (1978) while working as a Parole Officer in Edmonton and as a researcher for the Programs Branch of the Solicitor General of Canada. During the course of his career, he conducted research projects and directed major policy and operational initiatives in corrections at the federal and provincial levels, ranging from the implementation of the Young Offenders Act to the reorganizations of correctional systems in Manitoba and British Columbia. His management experience included Head of Manitoba Corrections, Head of BC Corrections, Regional Deputy Commissioner (Pacific) Correctional Service Canada (CSC), and Senior Deputy Commissioner (CSC). He was acknowledged by his peers across the country for his leadership, insight, judgment, integrity, skills in reorganization and fiscal planning, and his dedication to the public interest.

Notwithstanding his commitment to duty, Don’s transition to retirement in 2007 was an easy one. Don was a lover of the written word, a student of history, a birdwatcher, and traveler — he loved Paris best of all, he would walk for miles, observe, and learn. He was a maker of lists, a great romantic. He had a lifelong interest in sports, played baseball and football as a youth and young adult and loved baseball parks and road trips. He had a wonderful sense of humour and quick wit that delighted all who came in contact with him.

The four years following his diagnosis of pancreatic cancer were precious ones. Though fraught with difficult periods, he took advantage of the time to pursue the activities he loved and spend time with the people dearest to him.

He cherished his time with his beloved wife and son.

He was a humble and gentle man.

Mass and Interment in Ste. Anne Manitoba will follow at a later date. Donations may be made to the Correctional and Justice Programs of the Salvation Army.  Condolences or memories of Don’s life can be directed below.

  • Wayne McVey

    Hi Andree – Please send me your mailing address. I would like to send you a letter about my friendship with Don. Best, Wayne

  • Vincent Yang

    I’ll remember Don for his kind support to the ICCLR Canada-China criminal justice cooperation program during 1997-2007. He will be remembered as one of the Canadian pioneers who helped Chinese reformers to borrow the best practices of Canadian corrections by generously sharing his knowledge and experience.

  • Irene Heese

    inI am saddened to hear of Don’s passing. He played an important part in the province of BC. I will always remember our discussions and all the planning on napkins that we participated in together.

  • Simone Dubois-Duguay

    Je suis avec vous Andree et Gabriel, dans ces moments difficiles recevez mes plus sinceres condoleances.
    Il y a bien des annees depuis que j’ai connu les parents a Don a Ste-Anne, Man. Mes parents, mes freres et soeurs furent de grands amis; nous avons grandi ensemble. Les fin-de-semaines en soleillies nous permettaient d’organiser un picnic sur leur terrain boise, tout pret de leur maison.
    Comme cette note ouvre a de beaux souvenirs. La necrologie me permet de connaitre le fils d’Omer et Rolande, quel bon garcon qu’ils avaient.. Bon courage! Simone Dubois-Duguay, St.Boniface. Man.

  • Wayne McVey

    I will forever remember Don. As a graduate student, Don worked in the Population Research Laboratory when I was the Director. Diane and I met Don in Munich and shared joy at the Octoberfest in 1978 and traveled together to Austria to visit Salzburg and Innsbruck. A great researcher and friend.

    Andrea and Gabriel, be sure to talk to Don because he will hear you

  • Renée Popov

    Ma chère Andrée,

    J’ai appris récemment la triste nouvelle du décès de ton mari. Il est très difficile de perdre un être si cher. Je partage ta peine et je te prie d’accepter mes plus sincères condoléances.
    Bon courage!

  • Bill Avison

    Don and I were both in graduate school at the University of Alberta many years ago. I was very sorry to hear thst Don had passed away. He was a very fine person with a wonderful sense of humour.

    To Andree and Gabriel — please accept my condolences.


  • Peter & Linda Lax

    It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Don Demers. Don, Andree, and Gabriel were our neighbours for ten years, and we remember Don as a man whose quiet dignity and humour enriched the neighbourhood. He set a standard of courage, grace and helpfulness that we all can strive to follow.
    Our thoughts go out to Andree and Gabriel, and we wish you peace
    and comfort.

  • James Creechan

    My sincere condolences to Don’s family, friends and colleagues. Don was just finishing his doctoral studies when I first went to Alberta and I deeply appreciated his easy and warm interaction with me and other newcomers to the department. I remember his humour and his wonderful stories about Lac Ste Anne, and I am proud of the way that he applied his training at the University of Alberta with grace, dignity and intelligence.

  • John Kiedrowski

    I first met Don back in 1979 when he was teaching the course on correction policy at Carleton University. As a student, I also had the opportunity to work with Don on different policy assignments including one of the first Canadian projects that examined criminal justice expenditures. Don was not only a mentor and very influential in my career and others, he was probably one of the best policy scholars in the justice field. Thank you Don! My deepest and sincere sympathy to Andree and the family.

  • Dan and Roxanna Denis

    Dear Andree, Gabriel and families,
    Our deepest and sincere sympathy to you. We are so grateful that we were able to have such a beautiful visit with you and Don last summer at Osoyoos. Don was a special friend of both of us, dating back to Dan’s U of A days and as colleagues at Drumheller Institution. We remember with fondness his wonderful sense of humor and his gentle spirit. He will forever remain in our hearts.

  • Fred Honsberger

    I first met Don when he co-chaired, with Jim Coflin, the FPT forum regarding the YOA in 1982. He impressed everyone during this challenging process with his knowledge,focus, vision, collegiality and exceptional sense of humour— he made it work. Subsequent contacts during our many shared years at the Heads of Corrections forum reinforced my view of Don’s exceptional work with the Canadian Justice System.
    Don’s family should be very proud of his contribution.

  • Jessie Caplette

    Chère Andrée,
    Je suis vraiment désolé d’apprendre cette nouvelle. Je pense à toi et ton fils en ce moment et je vous envoie beaucoup d’énergie et de courage.

  • Susan Christie Hatt

    My deepest sympathy to Andree and Gabriel. The ties between our families are strong…begun when Don and Ken were at grad school together in Alberta, extending through intersecting careers in criminal justice in Ottawa and BC and happily coming to rest in retirement in Victoria. Throughout these many years, Ken and I both knew Don to be a dedicated public servant as well as a warm and loving friend. Ken loved Don’s sense of humour best of all. If at all possible, I’m sure Ken and Don will continue their friendship as they prepare a place for us to join them, Andree. My heart is with you.

  • Edward and Betty Benoit

    We are so saddened to hear about Donald’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Caroline Veillette, Arden, Samantha, Sabrina et Joshua Loshaw

    Mes sinceres condoleance a toi Andree et Gabriel et toute la famille. Nous sommes de tout Coeur avec toi dans ces dures moments. Prenez soin de vous autres. Lachez pas.

    Caroline Veillette et la famille.

  • Bob Cormier

    My sincere condolences to Don’s family. I worked with Don in the ’80s at SolGen and our paths crossed several times as he pursued his distinguished career in corrections. He was indeed a talented, dedicated and humble professional who excelled in his field. He also had a wonderful sense of humour. I remember a meeting of the Canadian Delegation at a UN Crime Congress when Don suggested that Canada should advance a resolution to the Congress that would outlaw the playing of the accordion (with perhaps some reference to polka). It prompted little debate and much laughter. He was a good, dependable colleague and lots of fun to be around.

  • Ursula Morris

    Dear Demers Family
    I knew Don both in Prince George and when he was with Corrections Canada in Abbotsford. Don made a most valuable contribution to Provincial Corrections in Northern BC and he didn’t forget the challenges of the north when he was Deputy Commissioner for CSC. Thank you so much to Don for support and sound advice.
    Ursula Morris
    Prince George

  • Allan Woods

    On behalf of my father, Gerry Woods and myself, to Andree, Gabriel and the Demers family: please accept our sincerest condolences at this sad time.

    Don was a fine man and a true friend. He and Gerry did great work together at Solicitor General Canada. I know that working with Don was one of the things Gerry truly enjoyed about his time at SGC.

  • Hubert Migeon

    « Une force tranquille », voilà les mots qui me sont immédiatement venus à l’esprit lorsque j’ai appris la nouvelle du décès de Don. C’est l’impression que m’a laissée Don lors des brèves rencontres que nous avons faites surtout dans le cadre d’activités liées à l’École Victor-Brodeur. La notice nécrologique dresse le portrait d’un homme accompli dans bien des domaines. Il a bien rempli sa vie. Que son âme repose en paix!
    Je me fais le messager de toute la famille Migeon en adressant nos sincères condoléances à Andrée, à Gabriel et à tous ses autres proches.
    Hubert Migeon

  • Hilda Toews

    Dear family of Don Demers,
    I am the sister in law to Linda Demers and I have just read Don’s obituary in the Winnipeg Free Press. I am amazed and impressed at his wonderful contribution and dedication to the public interest of all Canadians. I was especially struck by his involvement in the implementation of Canada’s young offenders’ act and deeply grateful since this act directly benefitted our family and our young son. May he be forever rewarded for his generous service to his fellow citizens.
    I’m sorry I did not meet him him before his illness but I did have the privilege of briefly meeting him on one of his visits to St. Anne a few years ago.
    Hilda Toews

  • Christine Raffaelli

    Je suis de tout coeur avec toi et Gabriel dans ces moments difficiles, recevez mes plus sincères condoléances.

  • Jeannine Alain

    Chère Andrée et Gabriel,

    Vous êtes dans nos pensées. On n’a pas connu Don très bien mais on voyait facilement qu’il était un bon homme.

    On vous embrasse fort, Jeannine, Ted, Gabriel et Pilar

  • Manon Desjardins

    Ma chère Andrée!

    Mes plus sincères condoléances à toi et ta famille!! Mes pensées sont avec toi! J’ai bien hâte de te revoir et je te lance aussi l’invitation : appelle-moi si tu viens à Ottawa 😉

    Manon xo

  • Donna Mockler

    Ma chère Andrée,
    Mes sincères condoléances.
    Je penses beaucoup à toi et à ta famille.
    Si tu viens à Ottawa, fais moi signe.

  • Renée Collette

    Mes plus sincères condoléances.. Ce fut toujours un plaisir de collaborer avec Don dans le cadre de mes fonctions à la Commission des libérations conditionnelles du Canada.

  • Shulamith Medjuck

    I want to express my sincere sympathy on Don’s passing.I first met Don during the negtotiations on the Young Offenders Act . Although we represented different jurisdictions, he was an absolute pleasure to work with. He had that rare characteristic of being able to marry common sense with a long term vision of the strategic goal of the initiative.
    I hope you will be comforted in the knowledge that he was respected by his provincial/territorial as a person who demonstrated great humanity and vision.
    Shulamith Medjuck

  • Hilda and Warren Vanneste-Carter

    Our sincere condolences to you Andree and Gabriel. It is a sad day when a good and loving person dies. Thinking of Don makes one think of integrity and dedication to excellent service to the public but also someone to whom his spouse and son were a bright and constant presence in his life. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.

    Heaven is high, Earth Wide. Bitter between them flies my sorrow.
    Li Po

  • Frédérick Dion

    Nos plus sincères condoléances à toi, Andrée, ton garçon Garbriel et toute la famille élargie. Nous pensons à vous en ces moments difficiles.

  • Josée Madore

    Mes sincères sympathies Andrée, mes pensée sont avec toi dans ces moments difficiles.

  • Evan

    My deepest condolences to Andree and Gabriel. It was with great sadness upon hearing of my Uncle Don’s passing. I will always remember him as a great warm, kind and friendly person.

    I have great memories of how Don would love to drive that old Blue Caravan of his across country from Victoria to Ste-Anne or to whatever other road trip destination he had in mind.

    Don will always be cherished and missed deeply.

  • Keith Coulter

    Andrée and Gabriel,
    I was very sad to learn that Don is no longer with us. He was a good man who will be sorely missed.

    I worked with Don for the last three years of his time in the Correctional Service of Canada. It was truly an honor. He was talented, dedicated, professional and wise. He was also considerate and kind. By taking care of business so well he made the jobs of others like me much easier; by seeing others in such a positive way he helped bring out the best in the team; and by using humor and a gentle touch he brought light even when things looked dark.

    Like so many others, I will cherish fond memories of Don. I hope you take some comfort in knowing that he touched positively so many lives, including mine.

    Keith Coulter
    Former Commissioner
    Correctional Service of Canada

  • arnold galet

    Andrée, Gabriel & Family

    Please accept my profoundest sympathy with the passing of Don. He was indeed a special friend and colleague dating back to 1974, when we were students together at the Univ. of Alberta. Last May he shared with me the events of the recent wonderful trip he and Andree had takent to Venice, Paris and Brussels. He will be sadly missed by all of us across the country.

  • Papi Tshiswaka

    Nos sincères condoléances Andrée, nous sommes avec vous en pensée et dans nos prières en ces moments difficiles.

  • Jim and Wendy Graham

    Our deepest condolences. I only new Don for a short time when I encouraged him to come to BC and the province certainly benefited. His postive outlook on all things made him so enjoyable to be aroung. He will be missed.

  • R.E. Bob Brown

    Andrée, Gabriel & Family

    My sincerest sympathies. I also started as a Living Unit Officer and our paths crossed a number of times over the years, each time was a very positive experience. Don was a kind, caring, humble and compassionate man. He will always have my utmost respect. R.E. Bob Brown, Victoria, BC.

  • Don Head

    Andrée and Gabriel,

    It is with great sadness that I and many others have come to learn of Don’s passing. I have known Don for many years throughout his career both federally and provincially and he will be greatly missed by so many people. He will always be remembered professionally for his dedication, commitment and perseverance. Don touched so many lives and everyone that ever knew him remembers him on a personal level as a caring, compassionate and passionate individual with a great sense of humour. Speaking on behalf of all the employees for the Correctional Service Canada past and present, I want to offer our deepest and sincerest condolences and we will all greatly miss Don.

    Don Head
    Correctional Service Canada

  • Marie-Pier & Hector

    Nos plus sincères condoléances à Gabriel et Andrée en ces moments difficiles.

  • René Fortier

    Nos sincères condoléances. Nous sommes avec vous en pensée en ces moments difficiles.

    De la part de la famille Fortier (René, Lucie, Camille, Yanik)

  • Norm and Marie Lavack

    Nous offrons nos sincères sympathies à Andrée, Gabriel, Linda et Gilbert. C’est avec beaucoup de peine que nous disons adieu à ‘Big Don’. Merci pour ton amitié, merci d’avoir été mon co-équipier de balle (Ste. Anne Mets), merci d’être mon confrère durant nombreuses années scolaires, et merci surtout pour les dernières années de retrouvaille. Tu étais et tu demeureras toujours une partie intégrale de ma vie.

  • Pete and Sonia Engstad

    We offer our deepest condolences to Andree, Gabriel and Don’s family in Manitoba. Our lives have been enriched by the gift of Don’s friendship for 44 years. The memories will continue to brighten our lives, as will our continuing friendship with Andree and Gabriel.

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