Elizabeth Svendsen (née Westra), affectionately known as “Els”, passed away peacefully at home at the age of 88. Born in Bathmen, a village in the Netherlands, Els emigrated to Canada in 1957 and made Victoria her home. A truly remarkable woman, and a loving mom, Oma, and friend, Els embodied kindness, courage, and a boundless curiosity about the world.

A lifelong learner with an adventurous spirit, Els delighted in traveling to far-reaching corners of the globe, meeting new friends and hosting students from many countries. She was a trained horticulturist who cherished time in green spaces, especially the Butchart Gardens. A sporty person, Els enjoyed tennis, hiking with the Outdoor Club of Victoria, cross country skiing, and walking around Elk and Beaver Lake. Els was an avid cyclist, a sport she enjoyed into her 80’s alongside her wonderful group of friends.

Elizabeth filled our hearts with love and will be dearly missed by her children, grandchildren, family and friends. She was a positive influence who brought joy to our lives, and was an inspiration to many.

In remembrance, please consider making a donation to the “Elizabeth Svendsen Fund” at the Victoria Foundation, a charity close to her heart.

Condolences may be offered to the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Hilke, Christian, Róisín and Mick

    Dear Bente and Kim and family, we’ve all such loving memories of Els. She was always so welcoming, I remember her baking the cinnamon rolls in the mornings, making the home so cosy with that beautiful smell. Our Sincerest Sympathy on her passing to you, may your loving and much loved Mum rest in peace

  • Anne Boldt

    Hello Bente & Kim,
    I had heard about your Mom as it was very fortuitous that Robbie visited with you all on Thanksgiving weekend when he was over from Vancouver.
    I have several memories of your Mom and your family from our years as neighbors in south Oak Bay.
    I also remember ‘babysitting ‘you 2 back when you needed ‘babysitting’.
    I always liked to ‘babysit’ at Christmas as I enjoyed the staghorn ferns hanging above the mantle and her colourful red cyclamens on the coffee table, something we never had at 16 KGT.I have cut out her obit and sent it to Robbie and he will have it in his mailbox when he gets back from Madeira on Nov. 15th.
    Annie Boldt

  • Randi Hoel Bakken

    Dear Bente and Kim! I have got the sad message that your beloved Mom has passed away. She was my dear friend for so many years and I will miss the regular Christmas and Birthday greetings from her. She was such a friendly and kind person. Now you have all the memories of a strong and sporty mother. I will send photos from my visit to Victoria in 1987 with the help from Kristin. I am sorry to say I cannot find any from the times she stayed in Norway in the late fiftys, I did not have my own camera. With love to you!

  • Julie A Micksch

    A beautiful tribute to your Mom. Our Mom’s were such good friends and we were all so lucky for that and the adventures, gatherings, connection, kinship and love that materialized from that friendship. Sending love, hugs and support your way. – Julie and Russ –

  • Denia.Stoffelsma

    Lieve Bente en Kim, het is heel lang geleden, maar jullie zijn in onze gedachten hier in Nederland. Els was een geweldige moeder. Ik herinner me dat jullie met de camper naar Nederland kwamen (de camper werd per boot helemaal naar Europa gestuurd!) en dat jullie met je vader ons bezochten in Rijpwetering.
    Heel veel sterkte zonder je moeder! Heel moeilijk speciaal voor Bente denk ik!
    Wij hoorden Bente dat je je moeder zo goed verzorgd hebt! Fantastisch.
    Mocht jullie in Nederland nog eens komen dan zijn jullie van harte welkom!
    Wij wonen nu in Lochem in het Oosten van het land, niet zo ver van Bathmen, waar jullie grootouders en mijn ouders (oom Jaap en tante Gie) liggen begraven. Je grootvader Guus, was een goede studievriend van mijn vader, door jullie oom Jaap genoemd.
    Dag lieve zussen, heel veel sterkte met het verlies van jullie moeder, onze goede vriendin Els!
    Ik hoop dat wij elkaar nog weer eens zien: je weet nooit. Heel veel liefs groeten van Denia.


    Dear Bente and Kim, Your mom is a huge part of our family. I remember all the amazing adventures our families had together (summers at Beaver Lake, mushroom picking, week-long adventures to Long Beach, and many more). Your mom was way before her time and was very forward-thinking. I will genuinely miss her wisdom, adventurous spirit and love for the outdoors. Sending lots of love and hugs at this difficult time. Stefanie and Jeff

  • Kristina Stevens

    Bente, my heart goes out to you on the loss of your mother. She was such an interesting, intelligent and kind person. I remember her generous help when I was learning to ski cross country at Mt. Washington.

    My condolences on your loss, to you and your family.

  • EM Davis Messerschmidt

    Dear Bente and Kim: We first met your mum in 1967. Our friendship continued over many years.
    My favourite memories are of the years we attended the Family Dinner and Dance in the Crystal Ballroom at the Empress Hotel. We enjoyed Many family outings together, festive meals . Great times. Sincerely, Margaret Davis, Alison and Christopher Messerschmidt and family.

  • Herman and Louise

    We loved her so much….we will miss her.
    Wishing you all strength in these sad times.
    Remember, we will always be there for you,

  • Susan Stoffelsma

    Dear Kim and Bente,
    Els was a wonderful friend and inspiration to us. She welcomed us to Victoria when we first arrived here over 45 years ago with our young family. She made tea and mushroom cookies for us and made us feel at home. She was a lovely, kind and interesting person. We will miss the delightful talks we once had with her covering many topics from politics to gardening and travel! She was a life long learner and always had lots to say! We loved her and will miss her. Much Love to You.

  • Annie Huus

    Dear Bente and Kim
    My deepest condolences for the loss of your Mom.
    I have good memories from the early years when you were small we had so much fun
    The two families together miss the good old days.
    Hope you will both get strength to get through this difficult time and find Peace within

  • Neil Hansen

    Thirty-two years ago, I was a UVic student renting a room from Elizabeth, and a lovlier landlady I never had. Kindness and calm leave their impression. RIP, Elizabeth. Sympathies and condolences to all the family.

  • Doris Johns

    I met your mom (and dad) in 1982 when I had my baby photographed by your dad. I went onto having 2 more babies and all photographed by Svendsons. I also developed a nice friendship with your mom over the years. We often met up at Thriftys grocery shopping as we lived in same area, and occasionally had a tea. I’d lost touch over the Covid period and wondered where she was. Sadly I didn’t pursue that. I really enjoyed your mom and have fond memories of our conversations. When she was getting rid of the Svendson negatives she offered me the ones of our kids. Lovely, independant and strong woman. May the memories fill your hearts forever.

  • Julia Rogers

    My thoughts are with you, Bente and Kim, as you miss your Mum and continue the journey without her physical presence. However, she is with you in so many ways, in memories and in how she raised you. She sounds like a remarkable person and a wonderful Mum.

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