One of a kind, born June 6, 1936, in Victoria, BC at St. Joseph’s Hospital. Died peacefully surrounded by family April 23, 2024.  Predeceased by sister Sally Anne Howe, and parents John and Alice.  Jack married the love of his life, Audrey 69 years ago today. They had 5 sons, 5 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.  Jack proudly built, and lived 49 years, in his Metchosin dream home and loved working as a Longshoremen for 44 years.  His favourite past time was walking the shoreline of greater Victoria with his dog Rambo looking for logs to mill into lumber and building fabulous fences across this city.  Rest in Peace my love.

A celebration of Jack’s life was held at 1:00 pm on Friday, May 17, 2024 in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, next to Royal Oak Burial Park.

To view the service, please click the video below:

Condolences may be offered to the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Robin McLay

    In heartfelt memory of Jack. Please accept my deepest condolences to his wife (and my aunt) Audrey and the entire Howe family. One of my all-time favourite birthdays was when Uncle Jack surprised me with a kayak for my 7th birthday. He and my dad spent weeks building it together. It’s a memory that always brings a smile to my face. My sister and I often reflect back on our childhood and talk about how much the Howe family meant to us. Uncle Jack was not a man of many words but we always knew he was a good man who cared deeply for his family and that included me and my sister Muffy.
    Robin McLay

  • Ruth Kingsford

    Grandpa Jack was one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, and one of the kindest. He drew his great strength from his loving marriage to my Grandma Audrey, and his family that they built together. His legacy of hard work, self sacrifice, and unconditional love shall be our greatest strength, as we all have learned by his example.
    Grandpa was a very generous man who took care of us all in so many ways, and his family meant everything to him.
    I will always treasure the time spent with him, he had a great sense of humour, and always made hilarious observations. He had a real love of nature, especially the sea, and we often walked out on the beach near his house when I was young. He loved animals and children.
    He taught me that anything is possible if you are willing to work for it.
    Thankyou Grandpa for all your love and guidance, you will be forever in our hearts.

  • Jason Kingsford

    I always found Jack to be genuinely interested in how I was and in what I was doing. Right from day one he made me feel welcomed and accepted into the family. He will be greatly missed.

  • David Howe

    Everyone knows the hardworking, strong, silent Jack. But few were as lucky to know his softer side – Gentleman Jack.
    Dad sacrificed regularly throughout his life for his parents, wife, children and our loved ones.
    Our Nan had so many stories of young Jack watching workmen building homes around Fairfield when the workers went home Jack would go to work and the next day the men would find the site cleaned up and organized. Some of those men would give Dad a tip and he saved that money up for years and spent I on gifts for his sister, Mom and Dad. Serious gifts too, as a 14-year-old teenager he bought his Dad an Omega watch and his parents their first TV!
    A few years later Dad grew big and strong and took on the tough persona he was most known for. He made a mistake and it meant his parents taking on more debt to defend him. He lost anyways and he paid a big price for a small mistake. But after that he met the lovely Audrey who captured his lifetime love and fascination. He had a new focus for his generosity and love. Audrey returned it showering him with love letters and devotion for the next seventy years.
    Dad had one more bad break ahead, this time, choosing to sacrifice his time to save his parents the financial burden. It’s at this time that he grew to admire Johnny Cash, the man, and his songs. It’s why his music plays today.
    With that out of the way, Mom and Dad got busy building a long life together, as a strong team that together raised five strong characters for sons, built their dream home in Metchosin where they lived together for 49 years and endless memories that included journeys to 20 countries.
    Dad never stopped helping, He would deliver our newspapers without our requests. He picked buckets and buckets of blackberries with me to sell to Vitaway-Bakery but took none of the funds – not even for gas.
    When a shipping company tried to recruit him to work for them in Vancouver, Dad turned down the offer – as tempting as the money was, he didn’t want his boys being raised in Vancouver around all the vices and temptations of a bigger city.
    For many years Dad collected cardboard from ships and the docks and turned it into the IPI paper industries. They paid for the cardboard in those days, but Dad never took the funds, he had them build it up on account and at Christmas he’d have a check cut to the ILWU Pensioner’s Christmas party.
    When I needed him top support my efforts campaigning, he never stopped. I need lumber for sign frames, he cut it, build them and erected them. I need fliers dropped; in 45 days he dropped every home from the top of Triangle Mountain to the homes bordering Victoria along the Gorge waterway. Tens of thousands of homes!
    In 2005 he put those carpentry skills to work, teaming up with a few other volunteers, to build the pavilion on the Metchosin Municipal grounds.
    The ultimate sacrifice was in March 2020, when the world was closing down fast to deal with an unknown virus Megumi and I were in Europe. They told us we couldn’t stay and couldn’t move on to the next country – we could only go home. Dad and Mom on Zoom said – get home. I was worried we could pick up the virus on route and bring it home to them, Dad said – who cares – get home.

  • Audrey Howe Jr.

    Everyone I have met who knew my Grandpa had nothing but good things to say. He was always willing to help anyone out who needed it, he was hard working and tough as nails!

    I remember him helping my dad put a new roof on his house and building my brother Jack’s cabin. He was a great woodworker with patience to teach.

    I can remember spending the night and enjoying hot cocoas or chocolates after dinner (Grandpa seemed to have a sweet tooth) he would always slip me an extra treat when Grandma wasn’t looking. I’d go for walks around the block and down to the beach with him, he would be whistling while we walked, we’d stop and listen to the seals in the ocean (he loved animals) and he’d tell me stories.. He gifted me a bracelet made out of sea-glass he had collected on his walks; I still treasure it to this day. He taught me how to play solitaire and how to play pool.. I’d always bug him to go down and play pool every time I was over and he would always oblige.

    I remember how much my Grandpa loved my Grandma, he was never shy to display his affection for her, I can picture her swatting his hand away and him winking at me with a sly smile.

    I loved to listen to him when he was giving advise, he would sit with his sons at the dinner table after a family meal and talk long-shoring and was always so passionate about it.

    He was a great man, I am going to miss him a lot.

    I am going to miss your laughs, your hugs, the life lessons you have shared. It’s an honour to be your grandchild. It saddens me to say goodbye to you Grandpa, but it makes me happy to know that you will always be apart of who I am. I love you.

  • Emily and Eloise Kingsford

    One thing I remember about grandpa jack is how when he went out for lunch he would always get Elo and I strawberry milkshakes. even when you didn’t ask for one, And how he used to “drive everyone crazy with his whistling all the time. And how he always helped everyone out

    My memories with grampa
    I remember how he was always whistling in either the chair at the table or looking out window, and whenever I asked him if he wanted to watch TV he always said the same thing: “I’ve watched enough T.V”
    Another thing is when we’d go out to eat he’d always get the hot chocolate and whipped cream as a drink. And he hated the cold, he wouldn’t eat his oatmeal unless it was steaming hot.
    I loved listening to his stories, especially about Grandma Audrey and him. I found it funny how cheeky he would get.
    In my mothers’ words he was always putting his family before him. He was a very hardworking individual and I strive to be like him.

    -Emily & Eloise

  • Thomas Howe

    I feel incredibly blessed to have spent four decades on this earth alongside my amazing grandfather. His exceptional work ethic was truly remarkable, leaving a lasting impression on everyone who knew him. One of my most cherished childhood memories is celebrating my birthday weekends at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, where they showered us with love and made us feel incredibly special.

    As a child, I vividly recall Grandpa lending a hand to my father, John, in his tree service business. Together, we conquered some of the largest and toughest trees in Victoria. Grandpa’s willingness to assist those he cared about taught me a valuable life lesson that I will always hold dear.

    I can still picture us walking along the shoreline, searching for logs to mill, while Grandpa shared his extensive knowledge of wood types and their origins. His absence will be deeply felt by all who knew him. I will forever admire him and find solace in knowing that he watches over us.

    His influence on my life is profound, and I will never forget that I owe my existence to him. Grandpa discovered the secret to a fulfilling life and a loving family, and I am determined to honor his legacy by making him proud. Rest peacefully, Grandpa. You will always hold a special place in my heart, and I love you dearly.

  • Rob Milburn

    I have had the pleasure of knowing Jack for over 40 years. He always had a way of making you laugh.
    As I was best friends with his son since we were young, I got to know Jack and the family well. Although he had a strong exterior, under all that he truly was a sweet man who fiercely loved his family and those close to him. Jack will definitely be missed.
    Love and condolences to the entire Howe family.

  • Kari McLay

    We will miss Uncle Jack. He will be remembered for his loyalty to Audrey and his family. He loved his lunches at Pagliaccis and Pure Vanilla and Metchosin Cafe. Always waiting patiently with a smile while Audrey shopped. I loved our visits on Oak Bay Avenue. He was always welcoming to whoever visited the family home. Always warm and friendly to me since I was a young child. A special man who will be remembered for his quiet yet strong character.

  • John Horgan

    My deepest condolences to Audrey, Dave and the Howe family. It was an honour to know Jack. A true friend and supporter of working people. He will live always in the hearts of those who knew him.

  • John Hellemond

    Jack, our visits were short but they go way back. I always enjoyed you company and I know you were proud of your wife and boys. Perhaps so because of your good heart. A life well lived! I hope you find peace and happiness on the other side.

  • Tim Gallagher

    My condolences.

  • Hugh Rose

    We were so fortunate to have Jack and Audrey as neighbours. He taught us that wisdom can be achieved through quiet strength. Our love to his family, and especially Audrey, as you navigate this difficult time together.

  • peter wood

    RIP Jack You were definitely one of a kind, that rare breed, the best Kind. You will be eternally missed by all those who love you. All my love to you Audrey, and your family.

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