Jean Louise Lindsey passed away peacefully in the early morning hours of Sunday, May 28th. Born in Vancouver, she moved to Victoria as a young girl, graduated from Victoria High School (Class of ’40), and was keenly involved in organizing class reunions until their 75th year! Jean demonstrated her dedication to family and community through her activities at First United Church (Friday Night Couples Club, UCWA, and Sunday School), and many years of Square Dancing, including a performance before the Queen. She was also a loyal employee of Woodwards for many decades. Jean displayed abundant creative talents throughout her life. In later years, she began to research the family genealogy, often planning extensive travel around this challenging endeavour. The result of this project was an extensive family history, customized and wonderfully detailed for each grandchild.
Jean is predeceased by her siblings Marg Cooper (Russ), Aleda Muir (Les), John Fletcher (Bea), and Louise Price (Bill). She is survived by her devoted husband of 74 years, Horace, daughter Sandra Roodenburg (John), son Neil (Barb), daughter Sharon Bondesen (Jim), four grandchildren, twelve great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild.
Special thanks to Dr. Rosenberg, Dr. RiddIer, and the staff at Jubilee Hospital.
A Service will be held on Saturday, June 10th at 2:00 pm in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, Victoria, BC. A reception will follow.
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McCall Gardens
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