It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Linda, our dear wife, mother, grandmother and best friend.
Born in Nelson, Linda grew up in Salmo, a small town in the interior of B.C., with her brothers and sisters. Life wasn’t easy for her, but she always saw the bright side in every situation. Linda relocated to Victoria, in her teens, alongside two of her siblings, where she met her husband-to-be, Chris, in high school. The pair made a beautiful life for themselves through hard work, determination and endless optimism. Linda’s greatest joy was in her children, Sara, Stephen, Karen and Kate, along with her granddaughter Veda.
She and Chris were fortunate to share several trips together adventure-travelling on six continents, cycling, running and immersing themselves in various cultures. Linda was grateful for each and every day of her life, particularly the last 15 years, post breast cancer. She had a heartfelt connection with eagles – gathering strength, comfort and peace with each sighting. Linda embodied grace: her calm, easy-going demeanor was a true gift. May she soar on wings like eagles.
A celebration of a life well lived was held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, Victoria, BC at 10:00 am. Colourful attire encouraged.
For those unable to attend in person, you are invited to attend virtually via zoom, by clicking the following link.
The family welcomes donations to the charity of your choice in memory of Linda.
To view the service, please click the video below:
Tribute Slideshow:
Condolences may be offered to the family below:
Marion Martin
nora barth Lieber chris und famely, ich war erschüttert von Lindas Tod zu hören. Es tut mir so leid,
Trotz unsrer Ferne denke ich noch sehr oft an Euch und die schönen Stunden die ich mit
euch erleben durfte. Ich wünsche dir und deiner familie viel Kraft um den schmerz zu heilen.
in liebe, deine Cousine Nora from Germany
Henry Gold Dear Chris and Family
It is with deep shock and sorrow that we at TDA heard about the passing of Linda. As you well know we had a privilege of hosting you and Linda on several of our company long distance adventure and had the pleasure of meeting her and getting to know her.
She was a wonderful human being and a tremendous athlete.
On behalf of TDA staff and on behalf of TDA cycling community we wish to express our deep condolences.
Kim and Ian Bishop Chris, Sara, Stephen and Kate, our hearts are broken at the passing of your wife, mom, and grandma.
Our sincerest love and condolences to your family.
She was a beautiful person, inside and out and will be dearly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her and having her in their lives.
As I am writing this, 2 beautiful bald eagles soared past the window.
Love to you all,
Kim and Ian Bishop
Diana Diaconu Chris, I remember Linda well, though I only met her once. So sad to learn about her passing. My sincere condolences to you and your entire family.
Diane Nadeau Chris and Family, from our family to yours, we offer you our condolences for the loss of Linda and we hold you all in our thoughts and prayers. We pray for strength and gentleness during this time of grief. Diane Nadeau
Sue Strauss Dear Wille family
Our connection was made many years ago, but it was indelible. I taught Sara in her Grade one year and Linda was a vibrant, loving and supportive parent to all in our classroom community. Her kindness and care meant so much to a relatively new teacher. May you all receive comfort from your many memories of precious moments spent together.
Jairo I had the opportunity to work for you, great people, my condolences to the entire family especially Chris
Stephanie Timmerman Dear Chris, Stephen, Sara and Kate.. i am shocked and so sad reading of Linda’s passing. She was a loving, gentle, giving, generous, kind person. She loved you all so very much. Those of us who knew her count her friendship a gift from God. I feel so blessed to have had her in my life. My comfort is in knowing she is with Jesus and Karen and that we will all be reunited one day.May God be with you all and may He comfort in this time of great loss. Steph, lynn, Jessye, Ben and Marilyn Timmerman
Jennifer Brewerton So sorry to hear of Linda’s passing. My thoughts and prayers go out to Chris and all her family at this difficult time.
Ada Sans Dear Chris and family.
What a sadness to hear your message.
My condolences.
I cycled once with Linda in North of America it’s nice to remember her.
Hope you find peace and hope to see you Chris someday.
All my love Ada Sans.
Herman sans Dear Chris and family, this is terrible news for Ada and me. Off course we remember the day Linda joined our group of the North American epic. We liked to join the first days of cycling with her. She was very nice company . Very sad to hear what happened to her. Hope you and your children are strong enough to bear this suffering . Ada and Herman sans
John Pfahlert So sad to hear of Linda’s passing. I rode together with Linda and Chris across Canada in 2013 and spent many happy hours in her company. Sorry for your loss Chris
Brian Connon Chris, so deeply sorry to hear this…..My sincere condolences.
David Anthony Vernon Chris and family, I am so sorry for your loss of Linda. I only met Linda a few times but I remember just last August sitting with you two in the sun on Gabriola at Bruce M’s
My deepest condolences and I hope to be able to see you sometime soon.
David Vernon.
Nancy McLeod Dear Chris, Sara, Stephen, and Kate. It is with shock and sadness that I saw Linda’s obituary in the paper today. I am so so sorry to hear of her passing. Linda was a very special person and it was such a pleasure to know her over many years. I’m thinking of all of you and send my deepest condolences. Love and fond memories, Dr Nancy
Lee Halaburda Dear Chris and family. Our sincere condolences on Linda’s passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you, at this most difficult time. Keep all the great memories close. You will always have her in your hearts.
All our love
Wally and Lee Halaburda.
Our deepest condolences to the family. Linda will be so missed. So many great memories. Sending love and hugs from Marion Martin (Kingma) and Charissa Mason (Kingma)
Special hug for you, Sara. Prayers for strength during the next while as you go through the “firsts”