Marilyn Anne Cook, died March 27, 2024 in the 60th year of her marriage. She is survived by her husband Ron, children Tony and Michele, grandchildren Claire and Chelsey, and by her sisters Susan and Kathy and their children.
She was born June 9, 1943. That same year, in Italy, her father Robert Henry Barter became a Canadian Army casualty of WW2, leaving her mother a 17-year-old widow with two small children. Paternal grandparents took Marilyn in and raised her on their small farm near Cascapedia, PQ. She never forgot the affection of her Grampa, Granny, aunts, uncles and cousins. When she was near school age her mother remarried and Marilyn was reunited with her mother and brother. The blended family moved to live in Ottawa, Seattle and finally Vancouver, where Marilyn became known as Anne and where her sisters were born. She and Ron met on a blind date, married in 1965 and made Victoria their home in 1970, living at Prospect Lake until retirement and finally in Brentwood Bay. Above all, she loved children.
Ron (and Anne if she could) express gratitude for the care she received as cancer overtook her. To Dr. Amanda Wang for becoming Anne’s family physician. To Peninsula Health Unit’s community care nurses Emma and Vanessa for their in-home care and navigation guidance. To Saanich Peninsula Hospital for the facilities and care of its Palliative Care Unit. To palliative care specialists Dr. Lewis, Dr. Pan and Dr. Solanki for their expertise and compassion. And to the nurses of SPH’s PCU – Chloe, Hailey, Kailyn, Martha, Montana, Nicole, Nikki, Stef, Sydney, Tiff, Tracie, Trixie, Wilson and the others – professional, personable, kind – just the best.
Anne’s choices – private cremation, a discreet marker, no service or gathering. Arrangements by McCall Gardens Royal Oak.
Condolences may be offered to the family below.
McCall Gardens
Rem Garland
Leanne Kersten (Barker) Hi we haven’t met but I was looking forward to meet her and you she was a wonderful person and Mother my heart goes out to you in this time love from a friend Leanne
Sue Tate The best big sister. The best auntie to my girls. Famous for her snack drawer and her family bunfights. She will be missed. She can never be replaced. Her wit and wisdom and love of beauty will live on though in the family.
millie and rick sargent Ron, So sorry to hear of Annie’s passing. You two had a love that most people would envy. You have a lifetime of memories to get you through this lonely time. Love Millie
Kirby Rimer Hi Ron, so sorry to hear about Anne’s passing. Thank You for sharing Anne’s story. You and Anne were such fabulous neighbours, think of you often. It would be nice to touch base over a cup of tea some day. Wish you,Tony and Michelle, grand kids all the best during this difficult time. I always remember how much she loved her special dogs.
Take care my Friend
Anne was one of the best people I ever knew. She was a tremendous encouragement for me during a tough time in my life and for that I will always be grateful to her. Her generosity and care were cornerstones of who she was as an individual. Truly an amazing individual.