Surrounded by family in her final days, Marjorie Acton passed on at the Royal Jubilee Hospice in Victoria on July 5, 2011. She was the beloved wife for 52 years to her predeceased husband, Cliff. Dearly beloved by her daughter, Christine Budynski of Victoria, B.C. and son, David (Marilyn) of Arnprior, Ontario and grandchildren, Sean, Melanie and Jessica. Predeceased by parents Charles and Florence Taylor and brother Charles and sister, Audrey (Bryan) of Ottawa. Quiet by nature, she truly was a woman with a spunk and zest for living that followed her through her many journeys in life. In latter years, whilst in her 70’s and 80’s, she is fondly remembered for numerous adventures and travels to countries all over Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Her final journey was made under the shadow of Parkinson’s disease but made much more enduring by the loving care of her daughter, Christine.

In lieu of flowers, donations to agencies and organizations supporting Parkinson’s research or patient care would surely be appreciated as we celebrate Marge’s 90 years with us. Condolences may be offered to the family at

  • Jean and Ken Manness

    Hello there David and Christine,
    I am sorry to hear about your Mum passing on. I just loved her and still have hanging in my kitchen window a chime she bought us when she travelled to Turkey. I am glad to read that she had many more great adventures and trips, and that you were with her when she passed on Christine. Marj and Cliff were great neighbours to us for many years. They were so proud of you and your families. We lost touch when we moved to Comox, but I often think about her when I look up at my colourful chimes. She was such a strong and brave women, an great example to us all to live our lives the best we can.
    Jeanie and Ken Manness

  • William Taylor

    So sorry to hear of Aunty Marj passing. I can still see her vibrant smile and was glad to read of her travel adventures later in life which she so clearly enjoyed. Please find comfort in knowing she led a complete and good life and has her loving immediate family as testimony to that.

    Best regards,
    Bill, Sheila, Riley and Grace Taylor
    Westborough, MA

  • Carol, John and family

    Christine, David and families:
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Carol, John, Adam, David and Erin

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