Born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mollie married a Navy (later Air Force) pilot at Shearwater, NS, in 1962.  They travelled to various locations across Canada on military postings (NS, ON, BC) until retirement in beautiful Victoria, BC.  Mollie was a devoted homemaker, wife and mother.

She leaves to mourn her husband of 56 years, Colonel (ret’d) Stanley Brygadyr; daughters, Sheila (Tom Beckley) and Alayne (Connor McCoy) and grandson, Quinn.

Many thanks are extended to the medical staff and volunteers at Victoria Hospice for the excellent care given to Mollie.

A private burial took place at Royal Oak Cemetery in Saanich (Victoria), BC.

Condolences may be offered to the family at below.

McCall Gardens

  • Kathleen Pettman

    Sheila, Stan, Alayne,

    I have many fond memories of your mother – her kindness, her curiosity, her smile.

    I am sorry for your loss and I send my love.

  • Peter N Bey

    Stan, You obviosly had a long and happy life together. Liz and I offer you our condolences.

  • Russell Moore

    Russ and Dianne Moore
    Our sincere condolences Stan.

  • Susan Sullivan


    Sending you my condolences in the loss of your mother, you and I have not seen each other in a couple of years but I think about you often. My thoughts are with you and sending you hugs.

    Susan Sullivan

  • Melville William Rocheleau

    Hi Stan & family
    Bud & I were so sorry to hear that Molly passed away. Our deepest sympathy to you all

    Bud & Hilda Rocheleau

  • Kathleen & Lloyd Barnes

    Dear Stan and Family,

    Please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of your wife, mother and grandmother, Mollie. Mollie was a lovely lady – we remember well the good times we enjoyed together in Toronto.
    Kathy and Lloyd Barnes

  • Nance-Ann ...Kathleen Pettman's Mother

    We were neighbours on Strathcona Crescent and enjoyed watching the kids grow up. I’m glad we shared that special time.
    Mollie was a lovely, gentle lady. I was sorry to hear of her passing.
    My deepest condolences.

  • Janice Kelly

    Alayne. I’m not sure if you’ll remember me, but we worked together at Coles Book Store when you were in high school. So sorry to read about the passing of your mom. I understand how painful it is to lose your mom and it’s hard to accept. I’m thinking of you in this time of loss.

  • Ross Holloway

    To Stan and Family,
    Please accept our deepest sympathies and sincere condolences at this very sad time.
    Our thoughts are with you.
    Ross and Susan Holloway

  • Jan Drent

    Stan-you and your family are experiencing an especially tough period. We are thinking of you. Jan & Janice Drent

  • Bernie and Barb Lahey

    Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your beloved wife and mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Stan at this difficult tiime.

    Bernie and Barb Lahey, North Saanich, B.C.

  • Gina Donaldson

    Dearest Stan, Bruce and I wish to extend our most sincere condolences on your loss of Mollie. To have had 56 years together both while you were serving and in retirement is a treasure of memories that we hope will ease your pain over time. Grief is just love in a different form.

  • Gus Pokotylo

    Stan and Family,

    Sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of Mollie.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • Eleanor Donahue

    Dear Stan, I offer you my sympathy on the death of your wife. I know you will miss her so much. Life just won’t be the same without her but you will have wonderful memories to hold dear. Please take care of yourself. Sincerely, Eleanor Nix (Donahue)

  • Doug Henderson

    Stan and Family,
    My sincere condolences go out to you over your loss. I can’t imagine what an impact her loss must be having upon you. You are very much in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Bert Blattmann and Wendy Perrott

    Dear Stan & Family

    It is with deep sorrow that we heard of the passing of your beloved wife. Our thoughts and prayers are with you on these most difficult and grieving times. Please accep our deepest condolences.

    Bert Blattmann and Wendy Perrott

  • Dr. Ian Buckingham

    Stan & Family, So sorry for your loss! Blessings to you all.

    Ian Buckingham sends.

  • Mark and Jane Crofton

    Mark and Jane Crofton
    July 21, 2018

    Dear Stan
    We were so very sorry to learn of the passing of Mollie. Please take care – our thoughts are with you and your family at this very sad time. We hope to see you again at breakfast before long.

  • Lem Murphy

    Stan and Family

    Our deepest condolences on the passing of Mollie; your partner of many years.
    Our thoughts and heartfelt prayers are with you at this time of sadness.

    Lem and Elinor Murphy

  • Gary L Garnett

    Stan & Family,

    Our sincere condolences.
    You are in our thoughts & prayers.

    Gary & Jill Garnett

  • Steen Jessen

    Dear Stan,

    Am very sorry to learn your sad news. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

    Steen Jessen and Gail Ross

  • Doug and Patty McClean

    Patty and I are so sorry for your loss. When we spend virtually our entire life with our partner the loss is enormous, but be assured your many navy, air force and Venture friends have you in our thoughts and prayers.

  • Gerald Pash

    How very sad. My best wishes to you my friend. I expect Mollie is flying high above to watching over you. Bless to you and those close. \


  • Rod and Barb Hughes

    Dear Stan,
    Our condolences on Mollie’s passing.

  • Judy Brownoff

    Stan there are no words to express on the passing of a loved one, but the memories are always there. My condolences to you and your family.

  • Atholl Malcolm

    Stan, so sorry to read of the passing of your wife of many years.. My thoughts are with you, Sheila, and all your family.

  • Eldon Johnston

    Hi Stan:
    My deepest sympathy to you and your family on the passing of your wife. Ted Loney always kept me up to date on all the pilots who played football. Dan Munroe also mentioned he sees you at the officers meetings. All the best.

    Eldon Johnston (902-434-5129)

  • Bud & Phyllis Jardine

    Surprised and saddened to read in the morning Halifax paper the passing of your beloved Mollie. Our thoughts and condolences Stan – to you and the family. Thank you for permitting those of us on the east coast to be aware of your loss. We all have good memories of the halcyon AW days.

    Bud & Phyllis Jardine
    Wolfville NS

  • Darrel & Sharon Newman

    Stan and Family

    Please accept our sincere condolences on the passing of Mollie.

  • Les East

    Stan, & Family : Betty & I send our heartfelt condolences in recognition of Mollie’s passing. It was quite a surprise to hear that she had died. We hope that you are recovering as well as can be expected, & that you have shared once again, Mollie’s love with your family. We are certainly at that time in our lives where loved ones and friends alike are approaching that very difficult age – where there seem to be too many surprises as some pass on.

    Take Good Care, mon ami. We look forward to seeing you in the near future.

    Les & Betty

  • Terry and Betty Small

    Stan – Please accept our condolences on your loss. It seems a day does not go by without sad news.

    Terry and Betty

  • Mimby Sangha

    My sincere condolences to the family.

  • Jan Evans

    Dear Stan
    Bill and I were so sorry to read of Mollie’s passing in the paper today. In our younger years we spent much time together in Halifax. However, our careers took us to diffenernt countries and thus we lost contact until Bill retired and we moved to the West Coast. It was great to touch base again a few years back at lunch in Sydney. She certainly was a fighter against her illnesses and was determined not to let it influence her life. Our love and sympathy go out to you, Sheila and Alayne.
    Jan and Bill Evans

  • Art & Carol Nielsen

    Dear Stan,

    We have just learned of Mollie’s recent passing, and we were indeed sorry to receive the sad news.
    The message made mention of Hospice staff, so we guess it was not entirely an unexpected event.
    Still, when people pass, no amount of preparation can make you ready for the event. Denial alone can be overwhelming.
    Carol joins me in offering you and your family our condolences. She was a sweet lady.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Art & Carol Nielsen

  • Frank Van Der Pryt

    Dear Stan and family;
    We were very distressed to learn today of Molly’s passing. We would like to offer you our deepest sympathy and condolences at your tragic loss. Rest assured that we will remember her and you and the family, in our prayers.

    Frank and Cheryl Van Der Pryt
    Meadowvale Nova Scotia

  • The McPhail family

    Stan, Sheila & Alayne:

    Our sympathies on Mollie’s passing.

  • Finn Knutsen

    Dear Stan and family,
    Please accept my deepest condolences at the passing of Mollie.

  • Walter and Eleanor Kirkwood

    Stan and Family
    Our deepest condolences on the passing of Mollie. While we have not crossed passed since several years, it nevertheless does not seem that long ago since we were neighbours in Greenwood. How time flies!!!
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of sorrow.

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