Robert Alexander Reimer, affectionately known as Bob, was born on January 24th, 1953, in Winnipeg, Manitoba. A passionate advocate, Bob passed the bar in 1981, dedicating his career to the service of his clients, whom he cared for deeply.  On February 17, 2024, we tragically lost Bob.

To those who knew him, Bob was a kind soul, always ready to lend an ear and engage in thoughtful conversation. His curiosity and empathy made him a cherished friend and family member.

Bob had a passion for cars, with a particular fondness for his Mazda Miata. Over one memorable Christmas, he lovingly rebuilt and supercharged the engine right in his kitchen. His love for speed extended to the racetrack, where he was a longstanding member of the Victoria Motor Sports Club.

Bob is survived by his son, Jeff; his former partner and lifelong friend, Colleen Kovacs; his brothers, Gill (Shirley) and Wayne (Rhona); his nieces and nephews, Noah, Ezra, Eliza, Scott, and Clark; and his long-standing assistant, who was like an adopted daughter to him, Kayla.
While he might not have been a perfect man, he was the epitome of a father.

To my best friend, my Dad, and the gentlest man I have ever known, thank you for holding my hand. I wish you had let me hold yours a little longer.

Please join us for a celebration of his life in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, on March 9, 2024, at 2:00 pm.

Any videos or images of Bob may be shared using the link below.

Condolences may be offered to the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Julia Christianson

    To Jeff and Family,

    I didn’t know your Bob personally, but he was a friendly face that I saw regularly. I walk by his place on Shelbourne every day with my dog, and he always greeted us with a smile and a friendly hello whenever we saw him. I know that my sister knew him, she was a lawyer here in town until she passed away in 2013, so I felt like I kind of knew him. Anyway, I wanted to say that he was seen and thought of, even by people who didn’t know him. I knew something must have happened when the house didn’t quite seem “right”. And I have wondered every day until I just found this today. He sounds like a lovely man, and I will miss our brief interactions. My deepest condolences , I am so sorry for your loss.

  • E. M. Davis Messerschmidt

    My heartfelt sympathy and condolences to the family .My late husband Ken Messerschmidt and I were two of Bob’s first clients when he opened his legal office on Shelbourne . Bob was a not only a well respected lawyer . Bob was a kind , caring and compassion man .
    We referred him to many elderly family members and friends . Bob went to their homes , made visits to hospitals . Always taking time to careful guide and explain . Never making any client feel their questions were not valid or important. May good memories sustain you at this very sad and difficult time . Margaret Davis Messerschmidt

  • Maureen O’Brien

    Dear Jeff , Colleen & families ,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you on the loss of Bob. We were touched by the stories , memories ,
    and reflections about Bob ‘S life and character that you shared at at his celebration of life on Sat .March 9 .
    We wish peace for you in the days ahead.
    With love ,
    Maureen, Harry, and Sean

  • Alana Slater

    Dear Reimer Clan
    With heavy hearts we had to say farewell to Bob. I cannot articulate how much he and your entire family means to me. Your Aunt Betty would gleam with pride and joy regaling stories of you all. Both her and Dorothea knew wherever the wind would take them the Reimer Family was the Compass of Heart and Home. My thoughts and prayers are always with you but more importantly I hope you all can heal.
    Jeff and Colleen, may you both find comfort and strength wherever you turn please know this family has no bounds and at every turn they’re there.
    Deepest Condolences
    Dorothea Reimer and Alana

  • Halliday, Rob

    Jeff, Colleen and Family: Thank you so much for the lovely Celebration yesterday for a lovely man Bob. Thank you for sharing his life and I would whole heartedly agree that Bob was a very kind man with a sense of humour, intelligent and a stellar listener. There is absolutely no doubt how proud he was of you Jeff. Bob was my confident during a very tremultous time dealing with a very difficult Estate and was very detrimental to my health. Dr Bob my advocate and my very safe place to fall. I will miss him dearly!
    Thank you for all the speakers yesterday who gave me so much more insight to my lawyer and good friend. The gathering was a pure testiment to how much he was loved. Until we meet again Bob (Dr Bob) to me Rob Halliday

  • Bonnie

    To Jeff, Colleen, Wayne, Rhona, Gill and Shirley – sending warm, loving thoughts your way. Bob was such a warm, funny, special guy and I know this leaves a huge hole in your lives. I have so many fun memories of Bob and his brothers visiting us on the farm during our “cousins childhood”. I really hope time will ease some of the pain for you all….


  • Roland Stillings

    It was a pleasure to attend Bob’s Memorial today and pay my final respects. He was always a pleasure to do business with and…just to be around and visit with. So sorry for your loss.

  • Andrea Mann

    Dear Jeff and Colleen, please accept our heartfelt condolences on this tragic loss of a wonderful father and friend. May time heal the heartbreak and allow you all to remember the wonderful memories of Bob that you hold dear. Much love. Andrea Neil Jacob and Brooke Antman.

  • Patricia Aikens

    Your friendship was more than precious to me, Bob. While the memory of our times spent together will endure, I shall miss you so very much.


  • Tim Dunford

    Dear Jeff, Colleen, and family, It’s with immeasurable sorrow that I learned of Bob’s passing. He was a kind, thoughtful and intelligent friend these many years, and a dedicated father and committed lawyer. I always respected Bob’s perspective on any issue, whether personal, professional, spiritual, political, or automotive, to name but a few. His loss to you is immense, I know; but we remember him as a man of substance and engagement, and deep values. My sincere sympathies.

  • Sandra Fulton

    Sandra and Monty Fulton

    Monty and I send our sincerest condolences to Jeff and Colleen and to Kayla as well. Having most recently met with Bob in his office in early February, we were beyond saddened to hear of his passing. Bob was one of the kindest and most compassionate people we had the pleasure to know over the years. He had a special gift for supporting folk, often during the most difficult times of life. Whenever I had the need to contact Bob for patients in hospital for help with of end of life issues, Bob never said “no” to any of my requests for him to attend and provide support. He was so appreciated by myself, my family and others asking for his help. He spoke with great pride about you Jeff during our last time together. Your Dad was one in a million……

  • Helen Raptis

    My sincere condolences to Bob’s family on his untimely passing. Bob was a kind and gentle man. May he rest in peace.

  • Dan Peters

    Sending lots of love and support to you, Jeff and Colleen. So many warm memories of Bob as an adult that I always felt deeply comfortable with throughout my early years and always.

  • Marlene Russo

    Dear Jeff and Colleen:
    I am so sorry for your loss. You will carry him in your hearts forever and I hope that the happy memories sustain you as you deal with his absence and with the knowledge that you were loved by Bob.

  • Dale Peters

    Love you forever, Bob.
    Amigos para siempre.
    Dale and Edna

  • Wayne Reimer

    Jeff and Colleen, I grieve with you both.

    Rest in peace Bob – my kind, generous, stubborn, absent minded, loyal big brother, dear friend and confidante.
    I’m sorry that you had to leave us so soon. Knowing you for 68 years was not enough for me, but I hope to see you again someday.

    Love you Bobby! Until then…

  • Christina Kopynsky

    Dear Colleen and Family and Friends
    I was in school with Bob as well and I remember him as a kind man who has a great sense of humour.
    He was definitely one of the good guys.
    I am so sorry that he has left the people who love him but I hope Colleen that you are able to remember the love and the special times you shared with him.
    Big Hugs,
    Christina Kopynsky

  • Josey McIntosh

    Dear Jeff, Colleen and extended family and friends,
    I am Bob’s cousin and haven’t seen him for many years.
    But I am so sorry to hear of his passing and want to send my sincere condolences
    to his family. May you feel the comfort and peace that only God can give as you journey through this difficult time.

  • Peggy and Allen York

    We offer our deepest condolences to Colleen and Jeff – The loss of the partner you created life with, and of a Dad is one of life’s most painful milestones. Hold tight to the good memories.

  • Kim Prost

    I am so sad to hear this news. My condolences to my dear friend Colleen and Jeff and all the family. I went to law school with Bob and have lovely memories of him from those years. We had many a discussion – he was always interested and interesting. And there would inevitably be a laugh or two. Funnily enough tonight I remember the details of some of those chats like it was yesterday. Kind and thoughtful I suspect is how all of us will remember him- a gentle soul. You left us too soon Bob. Rest in peace my friend

  • Lynne Hahn

    To Jeff, Colleen and family:
    We were so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. Bob provided such good care for me and my family in legal matters. So kind, approachable and thoughtful in our discussions. He will be so missed. Our prayers are with you at this difficult time. May you find comfort in your sweet memories of him.

  • Mark Strople

    So very sorry to hear this. While I lost track after he left Winnipeg, I remember some of the great times we sll shared at the Koinonia College and Careers group that met at Bethesda Church in Winnipeg. My condolences.

  • Joel Tamosiunas

    Dear Jeff and Colleen,

    I am so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. He will be dearly missed. Bob was such a kind, down to earth man with a wonderful sense of humour – qualities that live on in you, Jeff.


  • Trish Main

    Dear Colleen and Jeff,

    My thoughts are with you both at this time of profound loss.

  • Gary Letcher

    I was saddened to read of Bob’s passing. He ably took care of all legal matters for my family for several years. My sympathy to his family and circle of friends.

  • Dr. Neil & Lynda McKinney

    My wife Lynda and I used Bob’s legal services a few times, and were always treated so kindly and fairly, it was a real delight to spend time with him. He was so very down to earth, humble, so respectful of Kayla, proud of his son Jeff, and was just a dear man. We will miss him very much, he was one of a kind.

  • Ken Reimer

    To my cousins, Wayne & Gil, and Bob’s son Jeffrey!
    I believe it was in 1980 when my wife Cathy and I during a furlough from missionary service in Zambia we were visiting Uncle Alec and Aunt Emmie that Bob showed up after finishing law school. Obviously we did not know Bob well, but blood does run thicker than water. Our hearts go out to Bob’s loved ones and the very many people he served so welll over the years from his law practice.
    Had there been opportunities to visit I am certain he and I would have talked about little else than car racing since I retired as a successful stock car racer at the age of 24. It saddens me that that opportunity never took place.
    Know that Cathy & I will continue to pray for friends & family to experience the comfort & peace that only the Lord Jesus can truly give.

  • Father William

    My deepest condolences to the family in these difficult days. Be assured of our prayers at Holy Cross.

  • Ron and Norma Hoeppner

    To Jeff and Colleen, our heartfelt condolences to you on the passing of Bob. He was our cousin and we enjoyed many good times together. He was gentle, kind and generous, and we will miss him.

  • Joanne (Tamosiunas) Rada

    To Jeff and Colleen,
    I am so saddened to learn of Bob’s passing. My deepest condolences for your loss. I wish sweet memories to find and console your hearts.

  • Ted Rosenberg and Liza Zacharias

    Dear Jeff, Colleen and Michael,
    We were so sorry and saddened to hear this tragic news. With much love from,
    Ted, Liza, Priya and Karia.

  • Ted and Lora Lea

    Dear Jeff and Colleen,
    We are so very sorry to hear of Bob’s sudden passing. Bob was a gentle and soft spoken soul.
    Our heartfelt condolences to you both, and to all of Bob’s family and friends.
    We are thinking of you and sending our love.
    Ted and Lora Lea

  • Lisa Lee

    I was very saddened to read that Bob passed away. Bob helped my family over the years. I appreciated his wisdom, kindness and helpful nature. Bob will be deeply missed by his clients.

    My sincere condolences to his family.

  • David Hatherly

    Jeff and Colleen, I was so sorry to hear this news. Bob and I shared some great times canoeing, camping, skiing, youth group, going to hockey games and (yes) even pro wrestling on occasion. So many good laughs together. We spoke a few weeks ago and promised to get together. Great guy. I am so sorry he is gone.

  • Ann Dastmalchian

    To Jeff, Colleen and family.
    I’m so sorry for your loss. Bob has helped me many times over the years and was always generous with his wisdom and time. Thinking of you,
    Ann Dastmalchian

  • Al & Irene Loeppky

    This is a devastating loss. I have so many great memories of Bob, at college & university, skiing, care group and visiting him in Victoria. Our prayers are with you in this extremely difficult time, Jeff and Colleen.

  • Peta Alexander

    Bob helped Gordon and myself on several occasions and we appreciated his thoughtful manner and support.
    My thoughts are with the family as they process the loss of this gentle man, who left far too young.

  • Alex & Laurie Mitchell

    To Colleen and Jeff
    We are deeply saddened by the sudden passing of Bob. We will be forever in his debt for his compassion and his friendship and his mentoring towards our daughter Kayla. Although we did not know Bob that well Kayla always spoke very highly of Bob and his great sense of humor. Kayla worked with Bob since she graduated college and they became close friends . He will be missed.

    The Mitchell family.

  • Julian and Lynne Greenwood

    Colleen and Jeff: we are so sorry to hear of Bob’s passing. We have lost a kind and gentle man, a wise counsel, and a friend to many. He will be greatly missed..

    With love, from Lynne and Julian

  • Mary and Mike Miles

    Dear Jeff and Colleen. We are deeply saddened to hear of Bobs passing and send you our heartfelt condolences.
    Our hearts go out to both of you and we send our love❤️
    Take good care of each other xoxo

  • Cindy Hoffman Reimer

    I am so sorry for the loss of Bob to the world. Though I haven’t seen him in probably 40 years I remember him with a smile from days gone by. You will be missed Bob!

  • Ruth Currey

    To Jeff and Colleen, family and friends, my condolences on your loss. Thinking of you.

  • Chris

    Competed in so many Autox from early 2000’s and one of the nicest and charismatic people out there. I’m sorry to hear about his passing.

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