Robert died at 88, at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, on May 26 2023. He was peaceful and comfortable at the end, surrounded by his loving wife Maureen and two daughters, Konia (Dawn and son Jordi) and Lycia. He was born in Bangor, Northern Ireland, and immigrated to Vancouver, Canada in 1970 with his young family. As an architect, he held a long position at Public Works Canada, but also designed and completed many home renovations. He and Maureen were life-long swimmers, and married in 1963. In his retirement, he pursued his love of the arts, the outdoors and exercise. He sang in various choirs and produced daily sketches of life around him. He and Maureen travelled the world extensively and settled in Sooke in 2011, joining the walking group and re-discovering his love of cycling. He is predeceased by his parents, Wakefield and Dora Jane. He is survived in the UK by his brother Thomas (Zillah) and their 3 children; Tom Jr (Dorothy and children), David (Sally and daughters) and Samantha (Andy) among other dear relatives. A joyful and easy disposition, he connected well with others from all walks of life and will be sorely missed, particularly at their home at Minton House, Cook Street Village, Victoria. His life’s richly intellectual, cultural and artistic musings were developed into a book entitled A View from Here which was submitted to the publisher on the day of his death. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to the charity of your choice.
A Celebration of Life was held on Wednesday, July 19, 2023, at 2:00 pm, in the Sequoia Centre, McCall Gardens, 4665 Falaise Drive, Victoria, BC. Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85759379924?pwd=YU1OYSs1YzA0YlNQSk5OY3ZDT2ZtQT09
Condolences to the family may be offered below. To view service click on arrow below:
McCall Gardens
Kevin Francis
Kare M Dreyer Dear Maureen and Lycia,
2023 must have been awful for all of you, missing your wonderful husband and father!
It is devastating, but we all have to go through the terrible, but inescapable fact of life itis to loose the ones we love.
I wish you all the best in your mourning, and hope you will most of all remember the good times you had together. It will take time, I’m afraid.
I still miss Eleanor terribly, and it will soon be five years!
It has always been a privilege for us to have you as our friends for nearly 60 years, even though we have been apart most of the time! It would be fantastic is we could meet somewhere again! You are always welcome here!
Lots of love, Kare
Phyllis Annesley Dear Lycia and Maureen,
Thank you so much for your email. It’s so lovely to hear from you.I have so many fond memories of both your parents and Zoë and I are both very sad to hear about the passing of your lovely Dad.
He was such a character, always keen to talk about all things Northern Ireland, and with your Mum so hospitable to us both over the years.
Zoë and I were thinking of you recently and your lovely troubles memorial [that your Dad contributed to – http://www.linenmemorial.org – ]. There was an exhibition at the City Hall remembering the troubles. It was so moving and beautifully done.
Hope you both have a good Christmas and great year in 2024.
Lots of love to you both from us both in Belfast,
Phyllis and Zoë xo
Jenny Huston Thank you for your kind email Lycia.
I was so very sorry to hear about your father. He was so full of energy and such a great friend to Dad [David] throughout his life.
Jenny Huston, Dublin & siblings: Michael and Wendy Huston, Victoria, BC
Creative Director, Edge Only
Dan Adams and Edward Davidson Managers Minton House In Loving Memory of Robert Trouton Our Dear friend and neighbour, Robert, passed away this morning (May 26, 2023) at 9:40 am at the Royal Jubilee Hospital…Robert insatiably curious about the world around him, noting everything from archeological discoveries to scientific advances to principles of living and how human beings “tick.” He and Maureen travelled extensively, and he enjoyed the learning and the new experiences. He shepherded his daughters through their education in different parts of the world and was proud of their careers. He treasured his bike rides with Konia who travelled from Ontario to be with him. He was grateful that Lycia nearby.
A hallmark of his interaction with the world was the little pad of blank paper always with him, on which he would draw whatever took his eye or his fancy; he recorded his travels in this way and sketched local images such as Cruise Ships at Ogden Point.
He began his career in Architecture in his native Northern Ireland and, in 1970s, when The Troubles began, he moved his family from Belfast to Vancouver. In 1976 he lectured at BCIT and in the 1980s travelled across Canada with the BC/Yukon Architects Group during his career with Public Works, Canada.
There are many of these drawings in his book, A View from Here, which is with the publisher.
Notable Buildings, 2000-year-old horse armour from Siberia, statues, landscapes and principles of colour and geometry are all amongst his illustrations.
Queen Victoria, and several monuments or statues of her, are honoured on our Notice Board and he kindly allowed us to display his portrait of Minton House in the lobby.Robert was a cheerful, substantial presence at Minton House and we will miss him.
Dan Adams and Edward Davidson Managers and The Strata Board at Minton House
Sharon Hoffman To Maureen and The Trouton Family,
I am so terribly sorry to hear about Bob’s passing… It is with such a heavy heart that I reflect upon this…but it is with Immense gratitude for a “Life Well Lived”…Something I think that Bob did impeccably.
When I think about Bob,- his enormous (somewhat mischievous) smile; always happy – sharing a quick joke, a wink or simply boyish grin. I cannot recall a single conversation with him where he was negative about anything (despite what he might have been feeling/thinking inside) and he always kept the mood light with his infectious yet quiet (and oh so Irish) laugh.
His drawing of Minton House is a masterpiece that will remain forever in the foyer, with pride. He sketched things that he loved, things that caught his eye as important and things that he wanted others to see.
His creativity with his whimsical bulletin board postings at Minton House always made everyone smile…but he never missed the opportunity to provide some ‘educational’ and interesting facts. There was a part of Bob that couldn’t resist the importance of learning (he was never short of fun facts) but he was able to find the balance and uncommon joy in it all too. A rare quality indeed.
Bob was a big man: and I’m not just talking about his height. He had an uncanny ability to embrace an entire room with his presence, yet — oddly — not dominate it. That’s a pretty impressive gift. Soft spoken and not necessarily a man of many words; impactful in the words he chose. When he spoke, you wanted to listen..and if you did, it was often to your benefit as you would undoubtedly learn something if you truly listened…Those lessons would often be: patience, kindness, learning that Life is Art and Art is Life and to take each day as a new adventure and look for something beautiful. Better yet, remember it by either talking about it, drawing it, writing about it but mostly, sharing it with others. He did just that, always.
I will miss him dearly, as will many others and I am truly grateful to have known him. he was a rare breed of man, indeed. A true gentleman. His loyalty and dedication to Maureen and his family undeniably immense.
Although he is no longer here and you wish he was there — just know he is EVERYWHERE around you, always. Sharon
Minton House Management, Fairfield HI Robert,
You had your last dinner at Minton House at my table [ May 22 ]. It was clear that you were concerned, but, being the quiet, reserved and thoughtful Irish gentleman you were, you kept your worries to yourself, you did not want to burden us with them.
And that was you – always so thoughtful, always thinking about others, about how you could brighten up life in Minton House with your great talent.
I am so pleased that you managed to finish your book in time, so that you have left a legacy, but then I think that deep down you knew that your time was up, that your Soul had completed its mission on this Earth and had to move on.
Thank you for everything that you have done for Minton House – and for us. Jennifer
Maralyn and Daphne McBride Dear Lycia Thank you so much for inviting my sister Daphne and my self to the Zoom Commemoration and Celebration of your dear Bob’s life
We had heard of the sad news of his death from his former neighbour in Bangor Ann Boyce. Tom and Bob were in their teens when Daphne and I were children but we have happy memories of the two brothers, especially as they made us a sleigh ! Your kind invitation arrived on the day of the funeral but unfortunately we find Zoom difficult to manage, but our thoughts were with you
With deepest sympathy to you and your family circle
Maralyn and Daphne
Orla O'sullivan Hi Lycia,
Thinking of you. You did him proud and he was very lucky to have you in his last years. I hope you get their perseverance!
All the best to you and your mum and your sibling for the celebration. I hope it’s a day full of memories, old friends and some good laughter.
To your Dad,
Orla – Ireland/Victoria
Alison Curtis I so appreciate that you have kept me in the Loop and especially enabled me to speak to your Mother. The years in between fall away.
Very best wishes and love.
Alison Curtis, UK
Elwyn Hanson Lycia and Maureen
What a beautiful celebration of life booklet for
Bob…thank you.
We watched the service last night and were with you very much in spirit….peaceful and
You both spoke from your hearts and Bob would have been proud of the beautiful tribute ….
He was such a talented and interesting man.
Humble, gracious and so friendly and warm natured. It’s so hard to believe he’s not around
anymore. You must miss him so much.
Our love to you both
William Israel It was my pleasurable honor to participate in the Life Celebration of your father Robert Wakefield Trouton. It was a lovely service and well attended.
I did prepare another bit of poetry – A thought that perhaps your father would have spoken to Maureen – or you – on his pending death?
1808 – Irish poet Thomas Moore
Believe me if all those endearing young charms,
Which I gaze on so fondly today,
Were to change by tomorrow and fleet in my arms,
Like fairy-gifts fading away
Thou would still be adored as this moment thou art.
Let thy loveliness fade as it will;
And round the dear ruin, each wish of my heart.
Would entwine itself verdantly still.
margaret /"pip" bresler Thank you so much Dear Friends : Very Dear Friends (for almost five decades !!)
We are so grateful — you ALWAYS welcomed us, and still do…….
… gentle, kind, funny Bob, even now, you continue to make us smile ,squishing down the sadness
and inspiring us to wonder and be curious about this whole earthly adventure .
with all our love and gratitude
The Bresler Family
Peter , Margaret / “pip” , Ruth, Marc and Helen
Jean Biro Bob- I loved him from the start-his quirky sense of humour,sharing his curiosity of the world and keen interest on what makes people “tick”. We would meet up in Montreal, Ottawa over the years when he came to conferences. We went on several holidays together(Maureen Bob & I )-a cruise whereby he started to shred his original wet suit from his swimming days with Maureen (Both excellent swimmers) on the deck of one of our trips together!
I will miss him terribly. Thinking of you Lycia, Konia, Maureen. Maureen you & I will always meet up over the years. I was glad to spend time with you just recently June 27-July 12 2023
Jean Biro
Frances Boyd Frances and Alan Boyd, Bangor Co Down Northern Ireland
Dear Lycia and Maureen
Sending our love to you both at this sad time. Bobby was a very dear friend to us and to our family, he will have lots to talk about with his dear friend John, we have great memories of his visits we had lots of fun and laughter together, he loved staying with us in Windsor Avenue his old haunt. We will miss his cheerful phone calls. Pass on our regards to Konia. Take care xx
Chika Mochida Dear Maureen, Lycia and Konia,
We are very sad to hear Bob-san passed away, but my dad Hideo is there up in heaven, so please don’t worry! I am sure they are laughing and having some beers together. I always remember Bob-san’s gentle smiles. Thanks to Bob-san and you all, our family could have great time in Canada and in Japan!
Thank you very much for everything, Enjoy lovely sketches in heaven! See you again!
With love,
Chie, Manabu, Chiharu and Taiga Okamura
Keiko, Chika Mochida
Ranjit Dhar I was very fortunate to work with Bob Trouton as a fellow architect, while both of us were working with the Architecture and Engineering Services of the Govt. of Canada for many years.
Both of us were elected nationally to a small executive team of the Architecture & Planning Department of. Govt. of Canada Public Works & Govt. Services.
It was a great opportunity for me to know Robert Trouton as an Architect, Artist, a Colleague and to acquire professional knowledge from him.
Bob was a true intellectual in his own right. It was a great experience to know him.
He was an Artist with a great sense of humor.
We all, including his family and friends pray for Eternal Peace for his soul.
Ranjit Dhar, Toronto, Ontario
Bob Smith Bob Trouton was easy to get to know and lots of fun to be with. With his sense of humor and his intriguing view of the world and what makes it tick, conversation with him could go on without limit. A fellow architect, we clicked right away. Living way down in Seattle, I had less opportunity for getting together with him, but those who lived in British Columbia were so fortunate. I’ll miss him.
Bob Smith
Seattle, Washington
Alexandra Dmitrasiovic Dear Konia,
It was with sadness that I read your Dad’s obituary. I met him a few times while you and I were at school together. As a boarder, I fondly remember your parents inviting a few of us to your house in Grade 10 for dinner/dessert(?) and I can still picture your living room, and recall an extraordinary structure in the back yard, a la BF, of whom I knew nothing at the time! I was intrigued as your father was an architect, and I had long thought of that as a career. And when it came to career interviews, I wrote up my questions for your Dad to answer, which he did with great thought and sincerity. Oh my gosh, the passage of time. But some memories just stay with us, having made such an impression for whatever reason. When I think of you, Konia, and your Dad, two attributes – “kind” and “gentle” – come to mind. Hugs and love to you, your sister and Mum at this very difficult time.
Gwen Finegan Lycia, I offer my heartfelt condolences to you and your Mom. I know my sister Gerry looked on your Dad as a second father and time spent with your family was always restorative for her. My best wishes for you during this difficult time.
Cairenna Moore Dear Maureen, Konia & Lycia,
It was heart breaking to hear about this sad news about Bob’s passing. May his soul rest in peace. May god bring strength and healing to the family. Thinking of you and your family.
wolfgang isken It was kinda special, on your first Fatherless Father’s Day, to be able to look at the sketches that your Dad drew over time. .and thanks for sharing. Hope you and your Mom had a good time at the Minton House [Mintonhouse.ca] Barbeque Dad’s day dinner, after what was — I’m sure — a hard few weeks..Trust me, missing your Dad will get better with time…
Thanks, also, for the teatowel with the print of your father’s sketch of the QV statue, with her Golden Orb, at Parliament, Victoria, BC – our local site (although I knew that he drew her statues, — en plein air or “in -situ” — in many places around the globe )!Trudy and Wolfgang Isken, Fairfield, Victoria, B.C., Canada (B. Germany)
Geraldine Finegan Dear Maureen and Lycia,
I am greatly saddened by the passing of Mr. Robert Trouton who was a noble gentleman.
Bob’s beautiful spirit helped me tremendously after Korea. I shall always treasure my memories of riding up to UBC to swim, of once biking in Pacific Spirit Park/forest.
One Saturday we had a magnificent bike ride on an old road to see the log jam in the Fraser River!
Maureen & Lycia, thank you for your precious gift of friendship.
Gerry/Chong Do
Deependra Bob was pretty great. When I met him the first time Bob was very interested to go exploring things on the internet, and when I talked about travel ( for example) , I was pleased he was so amazed to see my place of birth and it’s architecture; I was very happy that day which I cannot forget in my life ( due to my recent immigration to Canada); so it was very sad to hear of his passing. He was a great man and I know he’s not here, now, but he’s in our hearts and always be there. Deependra Shekhawat / Ajmer (Rajasthan) RN, India.
Stan Gielewski Dear Maureen, Lycia and family
Sorry to hear about this sad news about Bob’s passing. Totally unexpected. It’s hard to imagine that I have known him for more than 20 years! Time flies so fast, and unfortunately passing of loved ones is a reminder of it. Bob was definitely a unique character. An observer with a spirit of an explorer, and a hunger of a young soul. As an artist, I really appreciated his skill and the persistence with which he continued documenting visited places with his sketches.
As with most things in life, there is time to cherish memories and keep on living. While hard to ignore sadness, I bet Bob’s wishes would be for You to keep enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to another day. A crazy adventure this life is, so in the same spirit I wish you to continue exploring and celebrating it.
All the best, and my condolences again.
Gurdarshan Singh Matharoo Thanks Lycia for your phone call this morning.
I and my whole family is very sad to know that uncle Bob is no more! I have known Bob since 1975 when we registered as architects in this Province of British Columbia. Pushpanjli and my daughters Kavita and Amita grew up knowing Bob as Uncle Bob. We got together every now and then at his home or mine and shared so much more than delicious food. I have been trying to find Bob’s contact number lately particularly at last Christmas time. As architects we shared so much together. Individually and socially we shared lot more. I am so blessed to have him as a friend and colleague. I am glad now we got the information about Maureen and your contact numbers. We all will miss Bob always. Will talk to Maureen soon. Thanks again for letting us know about Bob’s passing away. May God bless his soul!Gurdarshan Singh Matharoo
ranjit dhar Thanks [for the telephone call] Lycia and Maureen,
I am awe-struck to read the details of your life-long achievements. You have been a “truly compatible” daughter of Bob – I am so proud of you, [Maureen] and your family. I learnt some of it from Bob; now understand the magnitude of your talents – .
God bless,
Ranjit Dhar, Toronto, Ontario.
formerly with Public Works Canada and with other professional organisations which RWT was involved : 1970s – 90s
Harry Deaney Harry and Pat Deaney
Dear Maureen, Konia and Lycia
Such terribly sad news. We have many fond memories as you know, going back to those heady days of the fifties and sixties. When I first met Bob exactly seventy years ago at Art College forging our careers, he was indeed someone special and remained so. Bob was no one else but Bob. How could Pat, in hospital with Maureen both having given birth (David and Konia), ever forget Bob’s unique movie making skills on filming this triumphant event – after an operation, no question of make up or indeed any preparation for this movie; changing film roll in the “darkroom” under Pat’s bedclothes. I don’t know if Maureen remembers Bob’s name for David. Sholto.
He resolutely never failed to pay us a visit whenever he was on a trip “back home”, always followed by a pictorial memoir, and he also appreciated memories of our fellow students and field trips.
Following the shock of your phone call today, I have to recount what happened just yesterday. I was searching for some notes which I had mislaid, and came across a box stuffed tight with about 200 photographs. I pulled on the pile and the first photo that fell out was of Bob, Pat and me taken in the Chelsea Bar when he was last here. Makes you think.
He will indeed be sorely missed, and our thoughts are with you all at this sad moment of his passing.
Love Harry and Pat
Cheryl H Hahn Dear Lycia and Family,
I recall meeting your father in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. I met him in your studio and at the opening of the exhibition: “Natural Causes” in Ellensburg, WA. I found your father to be a gracious, thoughtful, and creative man. He emitted an aura of wisdom and a contemplation. You look so much like him and have embraced the creative life just like him. I can’t imagine the challenges he and your mother faced when they decided to leave Ireland in 1970. What courage it took to make that move and to adapt to an entirely new life in Canada. Paul’s Father also passed away at 88; and although we know this is part of life’s journey, it is always hard to let go and say goodbye. But alas he lives on in you and he will always be there spiritually for you. I send you and your family my deepest sympathies.
Sally Kaplan Your Father was a Prince among Men!
Sally Kaplan, Birmingham, MI, USA (B. Bennett, Belfast)
Julia Bovard, Sydney, Australia Hello Lycia
I hope your dad’s interment went off successfully. Although I met him only on several occasions [Christmas time/New Years: 2002,3,4] I thought it worthwhile for someone down under as we never say, to enhance what people who knew him well think of him. Condolences to your mum. I hope you feel quite positive about the general direction of life. Just wish you kind regards and hope you can derive positive things from your dad’s passing. Julia xx ♂️ Sydney, Australia
Dr Dennis Gupta Hello Lycia,
Sorry to hear about your father. I am glad that I was able to meet him even for once.
I’m here in Montreal conducting a theatre workshop.
Dennis“Beauty, no doubt, does not make revolutions. But a time will come when revolutions have need of beauty.” -Albert Camus
“Genius has no country. It blossoms everywhere. Genius is like the light, the air. It is the heritage of all.” -Jose Rizal
PhD Applied Theatre, UVic
MFA Theatre Directing, UBC; MA Theatre Arts, UP Diliman
Artistic Associate, Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage (SEACHS)
Dr Paul Sharrad, University Fellow Dear Lycia,
So sorry to hear about your dad. I have warm memories of being at the old, Point Grey house [in Vancouver] and him bashing out Wesleyan hymns on the piano in [a passionate manner]. Hope you are keeping strong and coping with all the subsequent (re)arrangements.
All the very best,
Dr Paul Sharrad,
University Fellow English Literatures,University of Wollongong,
Northfields Avenue,
Wollongong, NSW 2522,Australia
Dr Diana Wood-Conroy Dear Lycia
I’m very sorry to hear of the death of your father, Bob. I remember him when he and Maureen visited Wollongong – probably 20 years ago, showing us his lively drawings. It is always a great shock to lose a dear parent. Your mother will be devastated, but it will be an enormous comfort having you around.
I hope all your many projects are going well and that you have a good and interesting life in that fascinating city, Victoria, Vancouver Island.
With love and warm sympathy
Diana Emeritus Prof. Diana Wood-Conroy, NSW, Australia
Leroy Bakelmun Dear Maureen and Lycia and The Trouton Family,
Raising a glass of Irish Single Malt (Bushmills)!
It was my pleasure to meet you all – yet, especially Robert. What a man. Such a kind and gentle Soul; with a unique sense of humour and SO creative. This sudden loss was a shock; I really wish I could have had more time conversing and making art with that man! The Afterlife is very fortunate to have you! Leroy (b. London, migrated 1967 to Montreal — an auspicious time for Robert, as well) PS. I remember going into that Bucky Ball as a kid and now I see it differently: – Thanks Robert!)
John Garenkooper Dear Maureen, Konia and Lycia.
So sad to learn of the passing of my friend Bob.
“Robert W” (as he often introduced himself).
I smile when I reflect on the times
when we worked together,his unique
sense of humour, his stories….
My heartfelt feelings with the loss of your husband and father.
In my prayers,
John Garenkooper.
Bob & Ivene Ellis Maureen, Konia & Lycia. We were surprised to learn, after getting the phone call, about Bob’s passing.
What an amazing life he had. It was a pleasure for us to meet Bob & Maureen – through Maureen teaching at DTS in Vancouver where Bob E taught as well. Over the years many get togethers with them & and the Wiedrick’s, as well as others. His greeting cards were amazing. We did not see them after they moved to the Island, but kept in touch via email & phone. Our deepest sympathy to you.
Thinking of you. Love Bob & Ivene Ellis, PItt Meadows, BC.
Ritchie McGladdery and Brenda Barnes, London May 27th email from Uncle Ritchie (maternal)
Hi Lycia,
We just wanted to let you know that we’re thinking of you as well as your Mum.
Konia has filled in Ritchie on some of the detail of the last few days including the ceremony at the hospital and some of your Mum’s reactions.
We hope that there’s much grace for you in the shifts and adjustments underway for the family.
Lots of love,
Brenda and Ritchie 2:30 pm PST
Lycia Trouton Dr Lycia Trouton about my father: He had this home-made bumper sticker on the Kombi Van or Pop-Up VW (stick shift) van in our childhood, camping around BC: ” A Dome is a Home from Womb to Tomb.” The saying came back to me on Dad’s Deathbed at RJH. It turns out it is the BF Assoc.’s 40th this year: See — https://www.bfi.org/get-involved/donate/
In Dad’s notes about what he wanted to let others know in his funeral or Celebration of Life, upon dying: “I love you all!– If there is a field beyond Ideas out there…I’ll be meeting you again… RW xxxooo ‘Wakefield’
I want my Family to Remember me for: being a Husband and Father and FriendTo the Hills, I will lift mine Eyes
Ere I sleep for every favour I will…Then, I found a newspaper clipping on the Power of Hymns from The Vancouver Sun, April 16th 2002 folded inside his Methodist hymn book which he kept beside his bed in the last few years, at MintonHouse.ca
Dad’s Favorite Flower was a Daisy.
and Favorite Colours: Yellow, Green, Blue, BlackHe greatly admired Henry Moore’s Knife Edge in QE Park Vancouver, The Abstract Modernist painter, Bridget Riley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridget_Riley and Barnett Newman’s Voice of Fire, created in the year of my birth, 1967, for Canada’s Expo in Montreal which inspired Dad to get us out of N Ireland, and (after a brief stint in Killarney Gardens, East Van, settled in Southlands, Vancouver, BC where I lived until 1984 — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voice_of_Fire#:~:text=Voice%20of%20Fire%20is%20an,special%20commission%20for%20Expo%2067.
I am missing you Dad; your voice and 6’2″ presence and can’t wait to read your “View from Here” and help Mz Nancy Rose Meeker usher it into e-print-on-demand with @friesenpress.com
Michele Ingleby Very sorry to hear about the passing of Bob, Such a wonderful person and many great memories spending time with you all.
My heart and prayers go out to all of you. Please take care of yourselves during this difficult time.
Sarah I was so sad to hear of Roberts passing. I know he was such a light to his family and I have fond memories of him from the times I met him at their house in Esquimalt.
I recall Robert’s warm smile and keen curiosity. His ability to make even a stranger feel immediately at home and welcome in his presence. Roberts energy and positivity were something that stood out for me.
I’m deeply sorry to the Trouton family for this huge loss. I know Robert is dearly missed.
David Trouton and family Dear Maureen, Konia and Lycia,
It was with great sadness and not a little shock that we heard of Bob’s passing last week.
Tom shared with us the news about the operation, its serious nature and the level of risk attached, but I think we had (perhaps naively) assumed that Bob’s fit lifestyle & optimistic spirit would ensure a positive recovery. We were devastated at the outcome, and share your sadness and grief at this time.Over the last few days I have been reflecting on Bob’s life, memories of time spent with him (both physically & in the many letters, cards & notebooks he sent)& his influence on me and the rest of the family.
My memories are, without exception, warm & happy – a kind & caring Uncle whose “joie de vivre” was infectious & who always showed a genuine interest in what we were doing & what we thought about the world. Over the years I recall receiving some great letters encouraging me to think differently…”Climb a mountain and shout your name loudly from the top of it!”… “Think Yellow!”…”Avoid living in spaces with right angles”…just some of the stand-out advice that I really have taken on board!
To us growing up in 1970’s+80’s Belfast, it was really special to have such a creative thinker as an uncle,& part of the family who had had the energy & courage to emigrate to an exotic new world +live there in happiness and success.
In a way, that in turn gave us permission to think differently, explore the world with confidence, challenge accepted norms and embrace new ideas. So Bob will be sorely missed here as well as in Canada, by everyone who new him & anyone who was lucky enough to experience his warmth, love of life, engagement with ideas…+ of course his genuine kindness.
Bob was an amazing uncle! We will remember him with love always.
I will make sure I can connect with the celebration event planned for later this summer.
I would like to send you some music I have made in the hope you may find it fitting for the event; firstly an original Piper’s Lament that was originally created as part of the underscore for the theatre show-“Chuculain, the Hound of Ulster.” Although quite a solemn piece, I think Bob would enjoy the connection it has to the folklore+mythology of the homeland! Secondly, I’d like to send a more upbeat piece, perhaps more reflective of Bob’s love of life & generosity of spirit.I’m arranging these for solo piano and will record and send the sound files to you in the next week or so.
Please understand that we are standing beside you at this sad time & share your sorrow, while cherishing such lovely memories of a fine man whose love + influence reached further and deeper than he could ever have known.
Love from nephew David, wife Sally, daughters:Evie and Paddy. 31st May 2023 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Paul and Lolita Marmion Dear Maureen, Konia and Lycia, I learned today that our dear Bob had passed. Our neighbour and friend of many years. His fondness for our children and how he enjoyed their company.
Bob was young at heart, his patience helping Stephen and Richard prepare our home with Balloons before Paul and I came
Home from work. Always ready to have a good laugh.
We are all so sorry. Courage Maureen, Konia and Lycia.
We have you in our thoughts. Love, Paul, Lolita, Stephen,Richard
Nerida Richmond Benson Thinking of you Lycia and your mom at this sad time.
With fond memories of the Troutons and our Vancouver days.
Nerida in Australia.
Pat Murrill and Noel Hayes (Mr and Mrs) So very sorry to hear of Robert, but thank you, Lycia, for remembering us.
We have his hand-made Christmas cards – no more. Very sad.Give Maureen our love. Will write to her.
Love, Pat and Noel, London, UK
Pat Murrill and Noel Hayes (Mr and Mrs)
Tim Gosley Tim Gosley, Victoria, BC
Dear Lycia and Maureen,
My heart felt condolences for your lovely Robert. I did not know him well, but have a fond remembrance of his giving me a tour of Lycia’s art works at the Errant Gallery, where he was so articulately explaining the varied works of the daughter he was so obviously proud of.
Mythili Dear Trouton family,
My deepest condolences for your loss. I worked together with Lycia as faculty members at a college years ago. We have been good friends since. Through Facebook photos that Lycia shared I have gained some insight into Robert’s life. Although I never met Robert in person I can only imagine what a wonderful person he must be because of the lovely person Lycia is whom he had a large part in raising. Reading his obituary I learned what an extraordinary life he had and his varied talents. May he rest in peace.
Toronto, Canada
Carolyn Kramer My deepest sympathies on the loss of your father, Robert. I remember meeting him when you were a teenager and how he encouraged your artistic development throughout the years.
Robert was a visionary, an artist and a kind, sweet man. It was his passion for life, freedom of artistic expression and continued interest in all that was around him, that you should always remember and take to heart.
Lycia, you were a wonderful daughter; he was so proud of you. Please send my love and condolences to Maureen; so very sorry for your loss.
Mr and Mrs Robert and Rosemary Harbinson We spoke last weekend with Tom T, senior and we contacted your father’s cousin, Margaret Murphy.
Your father was a lovely man. We always enjoyed meeting him when he was in Ireland and, of course, Robert spent some holidays in Bangor with Bobby and Tom at your grandparents home when he was a boy. We will miss his phone calls. It will take you some time I am sure to adjust to his loss but I am sure you have many happy memories to recall.Take care. I hope your mother is coping ok.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Rosemary Harbinson,
Rathfriland, N. Ireland, UK
Betsy Palmer So very sorry to hear of his passing. As one of Lycia’s classmates right from Grade 1, well do I remember the fabulous geodesic dome he built in the back yard of the house!
Thinking of you all, and sending big hugs from Bangkok,
Julia Bovard A lovely man with an avid interest in everything in the world. On the several occasions I met him he was enthusiastic and curious about what was happening near him. I am sure he will be missed, not only by Maureen and Lycia, but by everyone who had met him. Greetings from Sydney, Australia.
Ian and Barbara Soutar We heard Bob was riding his bike up until a few days before his open heart surgery. The man was dynamic. He will be missed. We first met him when we all lived on Lyall St. Condolences to Maureen, Lycia and Konia.
Lisa Franklin One of the hardest things to deal with in life is the loss of a parent. You have so many memories; keep them close, remember them often, and share them with others.
Lyn (Trouton) Forde Sending deepest sympathy on behalf of the Troutons of Annakeera, Portadown, N.Ireland. We have many fond memories of visits from your father and also the unique cards and letters received from him over the years. Thinking of you all at this difficult time. Xx
Christeen Kiproff I am incredibly sorry for your loss of your beloved father and husband. Losing such a vital member can be a devastating experience, and my heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time.
Your father was a remarkable man who lived a life full of purpose and meaning. He was not only a shining star in your family, but also in his community. His positive impact on the people around him will never be forgotten, and his legacy will continue to inspire and guide many in the years to come.
I want you to know that you are not alone in your grief. Please allow yourself time to mourn and remember the fond memories you had with your father and husband. Lean on your family and friends for support, and know that we are all here for you.
In this sorrowful time, may you find comfort in knowing that your father is at peace and his memories will forever live on.
Sincerely, Christeen Kiproff
Pierre and Odette Gignac, Portneuf, Quebec Hello Lycia and Maureen,
I saw your note on FB. I sent our condolence among the numerous people who offered the same.
We keep very good memories of your father [Portneuf 150th, 2012]. He was so kind a person.
So deeply sorry for you and Maureen.
Take care and we think of you.
Glen Marcotte, Portneuf, Quebec I’m so sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. My condolences, ma chere. And to your Mom too!
Caroline Hanson on behalf of The Hansons, Bangor, N Ireland So sorry to hear about the passing of your Dad. We all have such fond memories of him and know how much he will be missed. He was such a kind, caring man, not to mention his incredible talent, sketches and great sense of humour. Thinking of you, Maureen and the wider family at this very sad time.
Hi Rob
I still miss you enthusiastically telling me how much you biked on your electric bike while I was working at Minton. I also remember your wife (Maureen’s ) tales about Ireland. Plus your wonderful daughter’s (Lycia) help in general. GOD BLESS THE TROUTAN FAMILY!