Fred died peacefully on September 26th, 2022 in Victoria, B.C. He was born in Hamilton on August 9th, 1926. Pre-deceased by his first wife Beth and second wife Mary. Survived by his children Susan and Christopher and grandchildren Simon, Noah, Hilary and Hollis. As well as a devoted husband and father, Fred was a beloved parish priest who served consecutively in Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta and B.C. Post retirement he continued in an honourary role at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria, well into his eighties. Fred was kind, compassionate and intellectually curious to the end.
Loved always, he will be greatly missed by his and Mary’s children and grandchildren.
There will be a memorial service at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 10:00 am.
Heartfelt thanks to his nurses and the staff at Mount St Mary Hospital in Victoria. Condolences may be offered to the family below.
McCall Gardens
Lynda Wilke
The Rev Will Ferrey I knew Fred when I worked in the office at Christ Church Cathedral, and he came in weekly to proofread the bulletin. He was always kind and gracious and a highlight of the week. I learned a lot from him. What a wonderful man!
John Privett Dear Chris, Susan and families,
We were very saddened to learn of Fred’s death. We have admired him for years and remember Beth and Mary with fondness. He was a great friend of Alida’s parents, Bishop John and Barbara Frame during their time at the Cathedral in Victoria. I remember Fred from our Edmonton days – Fred interviewed me when I first came to the Diocese of Edmonton and he was Archdeacon of the Diocese. I followed him several years later as Rector of Christ Church in Edmonton where he was remembered with great admiration and affection. We were always glad to see him, even if briefly, on our visits to Victoria. He was a faithful servant of Christ and the Church. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. John (Archbishop retired) and Alida Privett
Martine and Paul Bresee Dear Chris, Susan and families,
So many wonderful memories come to mind over the decades of life experiences our families shared.
Fred was such a gentleman who always took a genuine interest in his family and friends.
He will be missed but there is comfort in knowing he is now reunited with his loved ones.
With love, Martine, Paul and family
Trond Orset Dear Chris and Pendo,
Please accept my deepest condolences to you and your family.
Warm regards
From Yangon
Devan & Tasha (Yangon) Our deepest condolences to the family. Our thoughts are prayers are with all of you during this time.
Larry & Betty Mitchell Susan & Christopher we send our condolences. We learned of your Dad’s death today. Your parents were very special to us. And to or family.
Larry & Betty Mitchell
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Dear Susan, Chris and families
I have wonderful memories of playing the piano at an old folks residence in Victoria with Fred, as he led the services for the residents. His kindness, compassion and loving messages always touched me. His favourite hymn, he told me, was, “How Can I Keep From Singing”. He would always ask me to play it. I, now, play it often remembering him fondly.
My sincere and heartfelt thoughts to you all.