It is with profound sadness we announce the sudden death of William E Alexander on January 15, 2024 at the age of 78. Born in Toronto on May 20, 1945, he is survived by his wife, Margie and their children Julie and Michael, and his sister Marilyn Smith.

Bill grew up in Toronto graduating from the University of Toronto. He continued his studies at the University of Michigan completing his PhD in economics.
He had a successful career at the Bank of Canada and the International Monetary Fund where he positively impacted the lives of many colleagues. He travelled the world extensively in his capacity as a central banker and international economist.

He and Margie raised their children in Ottawa and Virginia. He cherished his children and three grandchildren, Ivy, Silas and Cohen. In addition to his family and friends, he had many passions…sports cars, skiing, hockey, fine wine and single malts and his piano.
Bill was always curious with an ongoing appetite to learn.

He will be more than missed, he will remain a strong presence in our lives.

A celebration of his life was held in the Sequoia Centre at McCall Gardens at 4665 Falaise Drive, Victoria, BC on Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 10:00 am.

To view a recording of the service, please click the video below:

Condolences may be offered to the family below.

McCall Gardens

  • Nancy and Dave Fennell

    We were so very sorry to hear of Bill’s passing. We have heard over the years about many of your adventures together and we know he will be profoundly missed as a partner, father and friend of so many. Please accept our most heartfelt condolences. We will be watching the service on line.

  • Albie

    Just terrible news about my big cousin Bill and the childhood memories that came rushing back!
    Family was really close way back when. My mom Amelia (Alma) and Bill and Marnie’s mom Ivy
    were cousins and BFF since childhood. My dad Al and kids dad Bert hit it off right away camping , fishing etc. before any of us came along.
    I remember lots of visits on the weekends (Marnie just sent a photo of Bill and I at about 5 and 8 years old), a few holidays at cottages, May 24th fireworks at the end of their driveway at their first house, dog named Buttons, Sat night Leafs hockey ( original 6 on a small B&W TV)
    etc., etc. and great times all around.
    Bill was 3 years older and at 7,10 or 12, that was a big gap so he was into hockey, fishing, skiing, high school, you name it and I looked up to him tremendously!

    Off to school, jobs etc. but kept up through Aunt Ivy (my godmom) on news for Marnie and Bill,their families etc.

    So,so glad now I got to see him and Marnie and their families at Aunt May’s birthday. Hadn’t seen Bill for quite a while but we talked skiing, sports cars, kids and grand kids and was like no time had passed at all since that photo from years ago!

    A bit of ancient history to share with everyone especially kids and grand kids about my big cousin Bill.
    Good times, great memories reflecting on our early years.


  • Ada Miller Evans

    I knew Bill as my piano student for several years before he departed Virginia for British Columbia. What a delight Bill was to teach! He required a bit of an unorthodox approach — no scales and typical finger exercises if Bill could see no reason for such torture. Instead of the orthodox approach for studying piano, Bill would somehow discover a piece he wanted to play, and we would proceed from there if the level of that piece did not too far exceed Bill’s piano level. He enjoyed that approach, and so did I once I got a handle on it.

    Bill’s piano progress was nothing short of amazing!

    Once the Kawai Grand made its entrance into Bill’s musical life, that exquisite instrument spurred Bill on to an even more advanced study of piano as he learned to make the piano “talk” via precise phrasing and touch control: Chopin, Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Debussy, and more. Margie tells me that he continued to play the piano even after they moved and in the absence of a formal instructor. She said verbatim in her most recent email to me: “You’ll be happy to know he continued playing with the tenacity he always showed.” I’m not surprised. In his retirement Bill had become a true musician!

    Several times Bill told me, “My primary reason for studying piano is to prevent cognitive decline.” Maybe so. But the musical talent pent up inside that man came bursting out and made him a fine pianist.

    Working with Bill at the keys was the way that I ended my piano-teaching career. You see, Bill was my final pupil. In fact, I continued those weekly piano sessions with him after I myself had retired — my retirement perhaps unbeknownst to both Bill and Margie.

    You see, working with Bill both spoiled me and challenged me — in the best of ways. Bill, my fellow musician, was my “best for last” in some fifty years of my teaching piano.

    In short, Bill was an accomplished musician, and I was privileged to be a part of that aspect of Bill’s life.

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