As a courtesy to all families who use our funeral services, we provide the opportunity to publish a complimentary online obituary—which can be “shared” via social media with family and friends around the world.

Hamish Alexander Robertson
Date Posted: July 16, 2002
ROBERTSON, Hamish Alexander, B.SC., PH.D., C.CHEM., C.BIOL, F.I.BIOL.,F.R.S.C., F.R.S.E. born in Edinburgh, Scotland on... Continue reading
Hilda Joyce Dowse
Date Posted: July 16, 2002
DOWSE - Hilda Joyce (Tildy) - Born in London, England on Jan. 2, 1923.... Continue reading

Anne Brigitte Mueller
Date Posted: July 15, 2002
M_LLER, Anne Brigitte - After a lengthy illness, Anne's suffering ended with great dignity on July 11, 2002. Predeceased by... Continue reading
Helen Barbara Morres
Date Posted: July 12, 2002
MORRES, Helen Barbara (nee Tisdall).... Continue reading
Douglas Watson
Date Posted: July 12, 2002
WATSON-Douglas (Doug) passed away July 10.... Continue reading
Elizabeth Mary Gibson
Date Posted: July 12, 2002
Gibson, Elizabeth Mary (Hutchings), a charmer all her life, passed away peacefully on July 9, 2002, at the age of 82. She... Continue reading
James Davies
Date Posted: July 11, 2002
DAVIES - James Robert (Jim) passed away July 10, 2002.... Continue reading

Alice Watson
Date Posted: June 26, 2002
WATSON, on June 26, 2002, in Victoria, B.C., Alice May Watson passed away.... Continue reading